Friday, November 4, 2022

The My Pillow Boycott: 2022

If the title of this blog post wasn’t any indication, it should be a warning of this post’s content. This will be a more political post in nature than most posts of this blog. But I’m posting this here instead of any of political blogs as it affects more of my TV world than anything else.


You see, conspiracy theorist, Mike Lindell, still has his company of My Pillow that is still being promoted on TV. It is kind of annoying that he still has a platform that I can see his ads on. While he may not be able to promote his company on any TV show, I’ve decided to stop watching any show that promotes his company. He shouldn’t be able to have mainstream shows on network TV still promoting him.


Before I get to what shows currently have been affected by this thus far, I should explain my relevant late night show watching history. I shouldn’t still be watching them due to how late they air on TV with my job early in the morning on weekdays. Thanks to my mother, I largely started out watching The Late Show with David Letterman. This is partially how I wound up getting into The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson afterwards. Both of those shows were my primary late night shows.


I wanted to get into other late night shows potentially for when I had seen the primary one. I wound up liking Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. But I didn’t like The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. I made Jimmy Kimmel my secondary at that timeslot, made better when Nightline and his show switched timeslots with him only getting an advantage on Mondays after an evening college class.


After Jay Leno left The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon became my third choice of host at that timeslot. Of course, certain shows may get more priority only due to CBS coming in better making me able to actually watch them. Plus, when Stephen Colbert took over as host of The Late Show, he would have a lot of guests that I’d want to see or other episodes that I felt were more relevant. While I did get into Seth Meyers and his version of Late Night with that show even becoming my primary show after the departure of Craig Ferguson as host of The Late Late Show, I came to realize that I just didn’t like Seth Meyers as much so I gave him up. I always preferred James Corden anyways.


When David Letterman stopped hosting The Late Show, it only seemed fair for Jimmy Kimmel to move up to primary, Jimmy Fallon to secondary, and Stephen Colbert was the third choice. Meanwhile, my back up to James Corden would always be Nightline on ABC. The pandemic screwed up the ABC and NBC schedule a lot for that summer. I even watched A Little Late at times when that was on, but she isn’t relevant for this blog post.


Anyways, it was Jimmy Kimmel Live that was the first show affected by this boycott. He had done some segments making fun of Mike Lindell, but his show still decided to promote My Pillow. It was one of those rare times where a commercial gets me to change the channel, this time to Jimmy Fallon. While I have seen parts of Jimmy Kimmel after this, I largely have stopped watching that show with The Tonight Show now my primary show at this timeslot and The Late Show now the secondary one.


It was later when I was watching The Late Late Show with James Corden when the show also did a promotion for My Pillow so I stopped watching that show right then by turning the TV off and then I wound up going to bed. I have seen a whole episode of his show since then, but largely just watch Nightline now instead of anything else. Will I get back into his show now that he’s ending? Well, that is worth covering later in this post.


While I’m unsure how much of my facebook habits I want to make public, I do have this thing where I want to replace certain things. For instance, anything that I might have shared of James Corden that shows up in memories when I check it will have two replacements: something from The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson and a Jordan Keppler segment from The Daily Show that I only know about from it being on YouTube. I also will replace anything shared from Jimmy Kimmel with something from Jimmy Fallon instead. Now I’m not sure why I’m using the term replacement since I’m not actually going to get rid of any of these things. I will have to explain more about what I’d do with other late night shows I wind up not watching if that were to happen in the future. I will unfollow any of them on facebook.


There haven’t been that many other shows affected thus far in this boycott. I gave up a CBS local morning news show. I could give up this news source again as I have before (also for political reasons), but I won’t yet if I will at all. I’ve also seen My Pillow promoted on reruns of The Andy Griffith Show which is also affected as I have select episodes of that on DVD. The only other show that I’ve seen promote that thus far is He Haw. And I hadn’t even seen a whole segment of that, much less a whole episode. Who knows what else could be affected? I plan to keep track of more in the future, unless this winds up being it in the end.


You might wonder, how this could affect other shows such as ones that I blog about? How would this affect any and all of my blogs? Only my TV blog would be unaffected as it isn’t about a single show. I would stop blogging about Elementary, although I’m not sure how I could see it on TV again, even if it is in syndication. Although, I guess anything could wind up being on My Network TV. That blog would have a farewell post and then I’d be done with it indefinitely.


If it was Survivor that promoted this product, I wouldn’t do any random posts anymore outside of the ones on dead players and only do blog posts on the current and already promised or ongoing old seasons of the show. I wouldn’t get any old seasons of that for myself again, although I would still watch what I have and could get even after I’ve seen it the one time that I have. If that show were to end, then that would mean a lot less posting until I’ve finished with all of the old stuff that I want to and stop doing that blog entirely.


The CSI franchise covers a lot. While I blog about both CSI: Cyber and CSI: Vegas, I also plan to start a blog on Without a Trace having the first season of that on DVD and now I’ll need all of them. The other shows in the franchise that also air at times in syndication that I plan to blog about are CSI, CSI: Miami, and CSI: New York. If any single one of them promoted My Pillow, that would prompt me to stop doing the CSI: Cyber blog, only blog about CSI: Vegas until the end of the show before stopping it, and not do any other blog in the franchise that hasn’t already started.


Then there are the more complicated ones. While I haven’t mentioned anything about it yet, there might be a subset of political blogs that I do at times starting soon, be it possibly this year, or sometime soon in the next. Regardless of if that happens, there will be something that starts before the one on Madam Secretary ends. That blog would be changed to purely political until it ends with there being a lot of blogs in its place and the one on Madam Secretary would come back after an extended hiatus.


Lastly, the blogs that I have on The Good Wife and The Good Fight would also both be changed into purely political blogs until they can be phased out and replaced. Only in this case, they wouldn’t be updated again. I still have only seen the first season of The Good Fight and this would ensure that I would never blog about any other season of that show.


You might wonder when any of these boycotts could end. Indeed, I don’t even know which shows may not be affected by it for whatever reason as I can always talk about that in future blog posts. It only has to be one of the following in order for me to give up the boycotts and start watching any of these shows again. Note that I plan to see the last episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden regardless of if I’m still doing other boycotts by then or not.


Here are the things that could happen: 1- Mike Lindell dies. 2- My Pillow goes out of business. With it no longer being a company that could promote itself, then there is nothing to boycott. 3- Someone other than Mike Lindell takes control of the company. This person would obviously also not have to be an election denier or otherwise loony. 4- Mike Lindell renounces his conspiracy theory ways. I’d love it if he sees the light. This would be the best and most ideal of all of them.


While I’m sure that some people reading this just think that I’m some libtard taking part in cancel culture, I don’t believe that people like Mike Lindell should have the platform that they do and don’t want to take part in anything that promotes him. I hope that I’m not mean and am certainly not wanting him to die. I could just be happy without any of these things again. But I thought that I would let you know about this since this does affect TV for me.

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