Sunday, November 27, 2022

Saturdays in Primetime Version 7

It seems that the CW keeps doing new shows on Saturdays so I keep doing these posts and it may yet get caught up and in line with all of the other days of the week. That’s cool. I also realize that it seems that I lose some review updates so I might end up redoing reviews I had done before but otherwise did not have in my updates, possibly from not knowing that they were coming back so I wrote them off as cancelled or I otherwise lost the review somehow, possibly not even including it in my blog in the first place by forgetting about it.


Criss Angel’s Magic with the Stars: Status- Currently on the CW at 8/7 Central on Saturdays. Why I’ve seen it- I promised myself that I would watch a new CW show at least once. Description- Two different celebrities compete against each other for stars while performing various magic tricks. Notable People- It is hard to say and explain who all is famous in this. But one is a famous magician named Criss Angel. The celebrity guests are also famous too, needless to say. Pros- It is a good show. The tricks are always entertaining and often done well. Cons- The stars, that is, those performing the magic, have to work more on the performance part of magic while also trying to perfect the tricks themselves. Some tricks aren’t performed as well as they could be. Note to Parents- There isn’t much wrong with the show outside of revealing outfits for women and the tricks being a bit dangerous. There is a warning not to try these tricks. Recommendation- This is worth watching. My Viewing Habits- Like any and all Saturday shows, I’ll watch what I can of this as it works out. Prediction- It has very low ratings given its poor timeslot so unless this gets a better timeslot, it won’t last at all. It has even gotten a 0.0 rating, the lowest possible in the demographic. Reception: somewhat good. Grade: B-. New review


World’s Funniest Animals: Status- Currently on the CW at 9/8 Central on Saturdays. Why I’ve seen it- I tend to watch a new CW show at least once. Noteworthiness- This was one of the shows that got to be on the air due to the pandemic as it could be produced remotely. Description- This is a viral video show of different videos featuring animals. Pros- People who like this type of show would like it and want to see it. Cons- This show is overall dumb, pointless, and not remotely close to funny. Note to Parents- I forget if this has anything objectionable or not. My biggest concern is potential physical comedy or animal mistreatment like abuse. Recommendation- Don’t bother with this. My Viewing Habits- I have only seen this once and won’t watch it again. Prediction- I have no idea what might happen with this show so I’m guessing that it won’t last anymore. Reception: bad. Grade: F. New review


48 Hours: Status- Currently on CBS at 10/9 Central on Saturdays. There are times when it fills gaps in the schedule caused by cancellations on CBS, although that hasn’t happened in a while. Why I’ve seen it- I guess it was just me wanting to watch something that was on, although on occasion, I was interested in what the episode was dealing with. Description- A true crime series that is basically a documentary type show exploring a criminal case. Pros- The episodes are typically quite interesting. Cons- It airs at a bad time. It can also be gruesome and drawn-out. Note to Parents- Don’t let your kids watch this. It is far too dark for them. Recommendation- I guess that this is worth watching from time to time, although I don’t typically go out of my way to watch it typically. My Viewing Habits- I have seen this at times, but don’t tune in most times as it isn’t my cup of tea. Prediction- Somehow it has remained a long time on the air despite it typically airing on Saturdays all the time. I imagine that it will continue to last a while. Reception: positive. Grade: C-.

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