Thursday, September 3, 2020

Holy Casting Change, Batwoman

I knew from almost the moment that I first thought of this phrase that I would be writing a blog post about it. You should know that it will include spoilers from the upcoming season 2 so read this at your own risk. You can guess from the title of this blog post some of what is going on. Basically, Ruby Rose, who plays the main character on Batwoman, will no longer be on the show. They are not recasting the character, which you think would make more sense and be easy to explain in the universe of the show, but instead doing something more inventive by making a brand new character the new Batwoman. But how will this change the show?

Let’s start by talking about the problems of including a new Batwoman. The season 1 cast is incredibly linked to Kate Kane, the old Batwoman. The characters are Beth/Alice as Kate’s sister and the big bad of the season whose story is still incomplete. Sophie is the ex of Kate. Mary is the stepsister of Kate. Luke Fox is Batwing or the tech support of Batwoman. The deceased character of Catherine Hamilton-Kane is the stepmother of Kate and biological mother of Mary. The now also deceased character of Jonathan Cartwright or Mouse was the assistant of Alice who she killed in what wound up being the season finale of the show. This may make you wonder what changes they’d have to make in the cast.

Here is the season 2 information that I know this far about the cast. Everyone from season 1 who is still alive is returning with Jacob Kane, Kate’s father, being upped to the main cast. One wonders about the future of the villain Hush who, if I had to guess, will kill off Alice and become the new big bad as the second season progresses. (I mean, seriously, how many future villains kill off the previous villains in Arrowverse in the event that they are still alive? Hunter Zolomon killed Eobard Thawne, possibly, while getting killed by Savitar in a way. Prometheus killed Malcolm Merlyn while Emiko killed Ricardo Diaz. Even Mallus killed Damien Darhk.)

The new Batwoman is named Ryan Wilder and is black. There is speculation already that this is not her real identity as otherwise this is a brand new version of this character that we’ve never seen before. It is also worth noting that the new Batwoman is played by Javicia Leslie who was on God Friended Me, a show that competed with Batwoman. She is taking over her competition in a way.

There are some theories as to who Ryan is. I could have thought that she could be Alice’s daughter, but this would seem unlikely even if Ryan is biracial. She could be the daughter of Bruce Wayne if we are to believe that this could have happened at some point. Maybe she’ll have a connection to Sophie or even Luke Fox. I don’t have enough information regarding Batman lore or even Batwoman lore outside of the gist of it that is known already.

In the show, Kate’s disappearance from the show will be explained in show as just that, a disappearance. She might appear some on the show in the future. I do look forward to seeing more of how this will be explained in some way as it seems weird that Ruby Rose is leaving and they will be starting the show over again with a new Batwoman in the end. I have no idea just how many shows like this have done something. If they do it well, they could provide inspiration for the MCU if they want to do something like this for a potential Black Panther 2. I can only hope that the show can still be good despite all of the changes that they weren’t expecting or planning to do originally.

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