Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Top Ten Villains of Arrow

It wasn’t that long ago when I wrote a post on what I felt were the worst villains on Arrow. Now, I’m going to write a post on who I think the ten best villains of that show are. I figure that it is only fair that I cover this side as well. I might cover heroes and anti-heroes as well in the future.

As before, I’m going to have to leave a note on the fact that I had not seen a lot of the show when it was airing the first time. Maybe I’ll get back and watch more of this in the future. But I can’t be sure of that in the future. Some of these are educated guesses based on what I saw of them or learnt about them as I researched who more of the villains are. Now let’s get to the top ten.

#10 Frank Bertinelli- The leader of a crime family, he seems like a good person to start this list. He failed this city, as some would say, and was a leader for quite some time until his death. I feel that he is good to put on this list since he did a lot and was even on the well known list of this show.

#9 Andy Diggle- Sometimes the greatest enemy one can face is family. He was part of the evil H.I.V.E. and it came to be known at a certain point that he had to be taken out, for real this time. He just could not see the good side in the end, causing his demise.

#8 Ra’s al Ghul- He was stronger than Oliver Queen in nearly every confrontation that they did. Not many people can prove themselves to be stronger than Oliver and not everyone can consistently be better than him in nearly every fight in the end. What else is there to say? Well, he wasn’t as important to the plot or had as much going for him as others who made it on the list.

#7 Carrie Cutter- She, a woman, once overpowered Oliver without the use of magic. He nearly died due to his fight with her. If that isn’t a good reason to put her on the top ten, I don’t know what is. Plus, I do want to include at least one woman on this list.

#6 John Deegan- One of the main villains of Elseworlds, he created a new reality, not just once but twice, in order to outsmart or outdo the heroes. He wasn’t bad enough to stay in charge, but he did set in motion the chain of events that would take out Oliver.

#5 Malcolm Merlyn- While I wasn’t sure if he belonged on the list since he was heroic at times and might be more suited to an anti-hero list, I think that since he was the original big bad, he should be on this list as a result. He helped do what caused Oliver to be who he is and was influential for a lot of the show, even making a few appearances again after his death.

#4 Oliver Queen of Earth-X- An evil Oliver has to be on the list. He ruled a Nazi empire and even went to another world to take it over and take out those heroes. While he thankfully wasn’t successful with that, he did a lot of damage to earth one before he could be taken out.

#3 Mobius- The anti-Monitor has the highest kill list of any Arrowverse villain. He was largely the reason why Oliver died, not just once, but twice. To think that somewhere in earth prime, this now powerless being is shrinking for all eternity.

#2 Cayden James- Very manipulative, he was able to extort a ton of money out of Oliver and Star City as a result of his evil ways. He split up team Arrow briefly and seemed to cause a death with every new episode when he was around. He was so good, it beyond sucked that he wasn’t there for the second half of the season when he was killed off.

#1 Adrian Chase- This man is such a horrible psychopath that it was awesome to watch him work. With one sure plot of revenge against the man who killed his father (namely Oliver), he would do whatever it took to make sure he took out anyone Oliver loved. He might be criminally insane, but that was part of his appeal that made him so fun to watch in the end.

Well, that’s all I can think of putting in this blog post of mine. I might do the heroes of this show, but I do not know if I will do the worst heroes or others like that. I hope that you enjoy this post and don’t know of what else to say so I will end it here.

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