Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Cons of Being a Casual Fan of a Show (as opposed to a die-hard)

Let’s say that you want to watch a show, but you don’t have time to be into it long term. That can be a problem in some ways. If you don’t always watch a show, there are issues in that front as a result. And that is what this post is about.

If you don’t regularly watch a show, what are the problems that can happen from not watching it that much? Well, you could find that huge developments have happened that you have missed entirely. When I wasn’t able to watch The Middle as much as I was wanting to, I found out that Frankie had lost her job at the car dealership with little explanation as to why that might be. Of course, in the episode where she lost the job, things were explained quite clearly. This goes into an earlier post I said where it mentions that you should never miss an episode of any show you care about nowadays.

There are some shows that I have an on again, off again relationship with. This can lead to problems as one might expect regarding what all has happened with the characters’ lives. Like I don’t know what happened to the one boyfriend of Jess that she might have been related to. I would know if the show were in syndication where I live. But I can’t watch everything that I would want to.

Now this may just seem like a TV junkie complaining that he’s not getting enough of his fix. Maybe you will see it like that, or maybe not. In fact, this could be all this post is in the end. Maybe I just want to complain about the fact that I have to watch some things casually and other things are more involved in terms of me watching them.

You could never know what episode could be important that will always be mentioned if you never saw it. Thomas the Tank Engine has issues like that with their original episodes release. For instance, they hadn’t released The Flying Kipper episode for a long while despite it being referenced a lot in the other episodes. Then there was The Simpsons that had an episode where Abu had an affair and this is talked about in many other episodes, but I only saw this one air once. There can be problems with anything that winds up airing on not airing for a while.

I think that I might have run out of things to talk about in this post. I don’t even know if I made the point that I was wanting to at one point. But I wanted to quickly write a post and am getting tired of sharing one drinking game after another. In fact, whenever I’m not ready and can write something else quickly instead of a drinking game, then I might and should do that instead. Hopefully all of this will work out then. We’ll see what will happen and change with this blog.

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