Friday, June 13, 2014

Idea for a drinking game

Okay, with the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson ending soon, I thought that I would post this idea for a drinking game. Actually, there’s a lot of ideas for drinking games here. You do not have to do all at once. You do not have to do more than one. You do not have to do any at all. If you do play a drinking game, you do so at your own risk. But here’s what I think would be times that one could drink while watching his show.

The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson: drink every time music plays, drink every time a word is censored, drink every time they say something is edited, drink every time the show is said to be live, drink every time Craig calls Michael racist, drink every time they mention that Secretariat isn’t a real horse, drink every time that Geoff is mentioned as dead, drink every time an impression is done, drink every time a bell is rung, drink every time that a tweet is said to come from a bird of some sort, drink every time a sexual reference is made, drink every time an email or tweet is moved to the ground, drink every time something like a bit interrupts the email segment

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