Tuesday, May 12, 2020

When Regular Season Spills Over into Summer

I’ve had this post planned for quite some time. At one point, I was going to write it last year, but this did not happen in the end. I might as well do it now that it will be that time of the year again. There are a lot of shows on the air right now that started late enough into the season that they will still be airing some into the summer months of June or even later. What’s up with that?

For as long as I’ve known TV that well, there was some show or some part of the schedule that was just long enough that it aired during the summer despite starting soon enough before it to not really be seen as a summer show in the end. Some of them might have most of the schedule on during the summer. Some could even largely be summer shows that start earlier than others. Parts of it affect what I put in the cancelled posts each year. But it largely doesn’t matter what happens.

Why does this happen? Well, there are a lot of different reasons. If a show goes on a long hiatus, they might not be able to finish airing the rest of their episodes until during the summer sometime. They might have had some sort of production problem that delayed when they could make new episodes. Another problem could just be with scheduling. Of course, scheduling might not be the issue as it could just be that they could be refusing to own a show’s cancellation as valid yet.

The most common reason that a regular season show would end or spill out into the summer is that it was cancelled during the main part of the season and it is airing the rest of its episodes in the summer as the burn off or end of the season or series. There can be other reasons such as filming that was later than usual or had some other issue like that.

It can be hard on viewers of one show to have to deal with it being on later than usual. But it is a fact that they are more than likely going to deal with at some point in time. Most shows don’t have any late airing episodes in the summer, but it does happen enough that one can expect it since it affects enough shows in the end, even if it won't affect most of them.

That’s about it for this post. It will be a while until the next update happens. It won’t be on Tuesday as I will be yielding that day of the week to another blog for a few weeks into the future. I will be back here on Tuesdays in the future and will let you know when or if I’ll phase that out in June when I start doing them in this blog again. I will be back at some point.

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