Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Tonight Show: Jimmy Fallon versus Jay Leno

I realized sometime after I updated my reviews with a new generation of late night talk show hosts that I should do a side by side comparison of the hosts that I’ve seen. I was too young to have seen Johnny Carson do the Tonight Show and I completely missed Conan O’Brian’s tenure on the show, although I might have cared then if I ever wanted an alternative to what I watched at the time. This leaves me with only two hosts to compare: Jimmy Fallon and Jay Leno. Let’s start with the older host first.

What was Jay Leno like? He was simple and was more normal than what you typically see on a late night show. He seemed to do a lot of the same old bits and we didn’t get to see much else different from each night. His style seemed lacking.

How he was good: He seemed to play center of the political aisle instead of taking sides and might have been the most friendly late night talk show host for conservatives. He had a pretty basic style and was always easy to follow. The format was easy to get used to as it never really changed that much.

How he was bad: He was never really that funny most of the time. He seemed to lack the weirdness that we would want in a talk show host. At least one of his most notable bits (Headlines) seemed to just be stolen from David Letterman.

What is Jimmy Fallon like? He seems extremely laid back and always willing to have fun. He helps keeps viewers connected by creating hashtags to be featured on the show. He isn’t that political outside of the opening monologue.

How he is good: His simple form of humor is pretty nice. He is very engaging with the guests that he has and the games that he plays always seem entertaining to some degree. It can be good that he isn’t always political most of the time.

How he is bad: He can seem too goofy at times and come off as if he is not as serious as he should be or needs to be at times. He has been criticized for not talking more about important issues to the people who are there for more than just to promote a project of theirs.

Who do I like better? To me, Jimmy Fallon is always a good choice and I never really liked Jay Leno that much. It wasn’t even that Jay Leno was bad as much as he didn’t do anything interesting or notable. I thought that Jimmy Fallon was always entertaining and good like that.

Well, this is my first comparison and I hoped that you liked it. I will get to others in due time, providing that I’m still updating this blog of mine. I might not be able to keep doing it depending on what I wind up doing in the future with jobs and stuff like that. I hope to keep being able to watch TV, but there is no way that I’m choosing it over a job. I will post an update if this blog gets discontinued.

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