While I need to get certain time sensitive posts ready that I need to put a lot more effort into while also probably postponing things that should be time sensitive that should be published at some point, I am going instead to just do a rather quick post. Hopefully, Saturday’s post can be on the first round of the summer shows from this year. That would have been today if there were just more time for it.
Anyways, the actual post that I want to talk to about are based on a highly flawed reasoning that I see from time to time from YouTubers and possibly others. Basically, I largely ignore a lot of what critics say about a movie or other thing as I often disagree with them but often simply don’t care. Other times, I am blissfully unaware that some people don’t like something that I do or vice versa.
What’s the point of this post? Well it’s simple. If you don’t like something that others do, you are not wrong about that. The opposite is also true. I get annoyed at just how people like Doug Walker would tell people that, for instance, because he doesn’t like Jim Carrey’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas that others who like it are wrong. That can’t possibly be true or right. No one can be right or wrong about whether they like a movie or show or video game or book or CD or music group or person or whatever else it might be. Even Lee from CinemaWins is convinced that some people are wrong about what movies are better than others. That simply can’t be the case. I’m allowed to hate Gone with the Wind or Amadeus or like Baby Geniuses or Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.
While you don’t have to agree with anything I post, I am allowed to have the opinion about it that I do. I’m neither right nor wrong to like or hate any of the shows that I’ve seen. You can disagree with me, but you can’t tell me that I can’t hate a show like Mom or like a show like Bad Judge just because you have a different one or something like that. I don’t want to hear this close-mindedness again.
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