Saturday, July 3, 2021

What is a Concept Episode?

You might have heard of this sort of thing or maybe you haven’t. This might be a term that I’ve invented in some way. But every now and then, you will see what I call a concept episode air on TV. What does that mean? I might as well explain.


It might be best to just talk about this by bringing up a good example of what a concept episode is. Those of you that are familiar with the show The Flash would know that the character of Barry Allen is a speedster who can travel incredibly fast by using super speed. They once aired a really good episode of that show called Enter Flashtime. The gist of the episode is that most of it is in super speed. That is what you call a concept episode. With most of the show in normal speed, doing most of it in super speed would be an interesting concept.


There are other examples of this sort of thing, but I don’t think that they are worth mentioning at this point in time. I think that I made the point with just the one example that I needed to. I like it when a show does something different and like seeing them from time to time. They should make more of them in the end to ensure that we are always doing good things.

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