Sunday, July 2, 2023

Christmas Commercials 2022

I don’t even know if I can explain why other blogs that were supposed to return haven’t yet as I don’t know how much time I’ll have for things as I was sick and might still be some enough, but that’s not all what you need to worry about right now. I’m doing a post on last year’s Christmas commercials so I hope that you like it before I get to more important posts.


In 2012, the official count of Christmas commercials before October was 0. The official count before Halloween was 27. The official count before the Sunday after Thanksgiving was 200. In 2013, the official count of Christmas commercials before October was 5. The official count before Halloween was 30. The official count before the Sunday after Thanksgiving was 600. In 2014, the official count of Christmas commercials before October was 3. The official count before Halloween was 26. The official count before the Sunday after Thanksgiving was 700. In 2015, the official count of Christmas commercials before October was 0. The official count before Halloween was 13. The official count before the Sunday after Thanksgiving was 530.


In 2016, the official count of Christmas commercials before October was 0. The official count before Halloween was 45. The official count before the Sunday after Thanksgiving was 386. In 2017, the official count of Christmas commercials before October was 0. The official count before Halloween was 78. The official count before December started was 767. In 2018, the official count of Christmas commercials before October was 0. The official count before Halloween was 13. The official count before December started was 567. In 2019, the official count of Christmas commercials before October was 0. The official count before Halloween was 19. The official count before the Sunday after Thanksgiving was 487.


Christmas overrun for 2014-2015 is 28 commercials. Christmas overrun for 2015-2016 is 14 commercials. Christmas overrun for 2016-2017 is 55 commercials. Christmas overrun for 2017-2018 is 41 commercials. Christmas overrun for 2018-2019 is 36 commercials.


In 2020, the official count of Christmas commercials before October was 1. The official count before Halloween was 33. The official count before the Sunday after Thanksgiving was 360. In 2021, the official count of Christmas commercials before October was 0. The official count before Halloween was 46. The official count before the Sunday after Thanksgiving was 372.


In 2022, the official count of Christmas commercials before October was 8. The official count before Halloween was 89. The official count before the Sunday after Thanksgiving was 323.


Christmas overrun for 2019-2020 is 18. Christmas overrun for 2020-2021 is 17. Christmas overrun for 2021-2022 is 9. Christmas overrun for 2022-2023 is 43. Christmas overrun means that after Christmas and in a bit of January, you will see Christmas commercials of some type. I’m keeping track of them, although they will always be separate from the main list.


You may notice that this is the highest Christmas overrun total of any season so far, beating the next highest by over double it. What’s dumb about that is how a lot of it was both syndicated shows getting a Christmas theme in promos and that these same commercials didn’t air when it really was the Christmas season. Maybe they just wanted to make up for all of the Christmas commercials they didn’t air during the pre-season Christmas creep.

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