I never thought that I’d get as caught up on Saturday shows considering how typically there is nothing new to add for these reviews. But that is changing and I will be adding one for Fridays so that most of the new shows in the next season can hopefully start fresh and I can get caught up on other reviews of it. I had to wait for a new Friday show for quite a while. But that should be next week’s post. For now, enjoy this post on Saturday shows.
Whose Line is it Anyways?: Status- Currently on the CW on Saturdays at 8/7 Central. Why I’ve seen it- I liked the original show and am a general fan of improvised comedy. Noteworthiness- It is the remake of an ABC show and retains much of the original cast. Description- A group of comedians make up stuff and make us laugh while competing for meaningless points. Notable People- There are guests from certain shows that are noteworthy, whether they are the fourth member of the group (which changes) or a different special member. Aisha Tyler, who used to co-host the Talk, is the current host of this show. Pros- This is more or less the same great show that we all knew and loved when it first aired. Most of the original cast is back. Even though everything is made up, it still manages to be really funny. Cons- There are normally guests on the show that tend to slow things down and take away from the talent of the true part of the show. There tends to be some sexual related things that come up often enough. Note to Parents- Some of the humor is not things you’d want your kids watching, but most of it is okay and shouldn’t cause any problems if they watch it. Recommendation- You should probably watch it. I don’t know why one wouldn’t like this. My Viewing Habits- I try to watch this as often as possible, although I know that I miss it a lot. I watched the original version when it was on too and plan to keep watching it until it ends. I haven’t seen it when other shows I like compete against it. Prediction- This should last a very long time, provided that the cast can stay together throughout the run of this show. I’m pretty sure that the cast not being able to stay together is what killed it the first time, although low ratings didn’t help. Reception: positive. Grade: A+.
Would I Lie to You?: Status- Currently on the CW at 8:30/7:30 Central on Saturdays. It also reruns the same episode exactly 25 hours later. Why I’ve seen it- I reviewed it for another blog of mine and also watch a new CW show at least once. Noteworthiness- This is an adaptation of a British show of the same name. Description- Two teams of three discuss various stories and they have to figure out whether or not it is a lie or the truth. Notable People- It is produced by Robert and Michelle King who have been showrunners of The Good Wife, The Good Fight, BrainDead, and Evil, among other things. Pros- This seems good enough to keep up with at times. It is an acceptable form of entertainment. It is funny at times. Cons- I know that there are problems such as this not being as funny as it could be. The most notable problem is that the panel can be won before the first commercial break, making the rest of the show rather worthless. Note to Parents- There might be some issues here and there, but this is a pretty acceptable show for kids to watch. Recommendation- Take it or leave it. It might work better if you don’t have any plans at that time on that day of the week. But you aren’t missing much if you don’t see it at all. My Viewing Habits- I may watch it some here and there, but won’t care too much if I don’t see it much, if at all. Prediction- This might last. On a network like this, it could easily keep airing over and over again. I, personally, don’t think that it will last, but it just as easily could so I won’t know for sure. I think that it is more likely to fail than to last. Reception: mixed. Grade: C. New review
Masters of Illusion: Status- It airs on the CW at 9/8 Central on Fridays. Why I’ve seen it- It first aired right after a show that I normally watch. Noteworthiness- Looking up the history of this show, I found out that it has aired off and on various networks in recent history. That means that if it ends, it could be brought back. Description- Simply put, this show has various magicians doing performances for people. Pros- A lot of stuff happens in one episode. Tricks and magicians always change so you know you can expect something different in each episode. The show happens quickly and this isn’t something that you always have to watch as the episodes are always standalones. Cons- Well, some of the pros can also be cons. They seem to focus on putting too much in a single half-hour. A lot of the tricks are things you’ve seen before. It is hard to tell a new episode from a rerun as a lot is repetitive. Note to Parents- There isn’t too much in here that would be worrisome for kids to see. All one would have to worry about is mild innuendo every now and then. Recommendation- I would say that you should watch it if magic is the type of thing that interests you. My viewing habits- It can be hard to stay into this show although I do watch it at times, but not always. Prediction- I think that this show will last a good while and if it ever ends, it can come back again as it has in the past. Reception: somewhat negative, although, it was hard for me to find a good place that mentioned the reception that the show got. Grade: B.
48 Hours: Status- Currently on CBS at 10/9 Central on Saturdays. There are times when it fills gaps in the schedule caused by cancellations on CBS, although that hasn’t happened in a while. Why I’ve seen it- I guess it was just me wanting to watch something that was on, although on occasion, I was interested in what the episode was dealing with. Description- A true crime series that is basically a documentary type show exploring a criminal case. Pros- The episodes are typically quite interesting. Cons- It airs at a bad time. It can also be gruesome and drawn-out. Note to Parents- Don’t let your kids watch this. It is far too dark for them. Recommendation- I guess that this is worth watching from time to time, although I don’t typically go out of my way to watch it typically. My Viewing Habits- I have seen this at times, but don’t tune in most times as it isn’t my cup of tea. Prediction- Somehow it has remained a long time on the air despite it typically airing on Saturdays all the time. I imagine that it will continue to last a while. Reception: positive. Grade: C-.
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