Saturday, August 28, 2021

TV Guide’s Website’s Strangely Popular Gimmick

While I haven’t been to this site in a while (not really needing to at the moment), there has been this weird thing that they do that I find dumb. I haven’t actually read any of the articles as I don’t find them worthy of my time. It is called 8 shows like x you should watch if you like x. X, in this case, refers to any show that they can think of. They started doing this and it even gets a whole section of pages at the website meaning that people like this.

Why would people like this? This is baffling. I don’t understand why one would write articles about shows that are like another show that you should watch. People can gather that on their own if they cared without people needing some person to tell them on their behalf. That is why I describe it as a gimmick as there really isn’t much point to it.

Now you might be thinking, wait, Adam, don’t you do something like this? Well, kind of, but not really. When I review shows that have ended, be it old ones or somewhat recently cancelled, I include a short section in the review where I mention similar shows. All I do is mention them. I don’t say that you should watch them or go into reasons why they are similar. And I certainly don’t do these posts all the time. It tends to be only a few times that I even write posts that mention similar shows.

I doubt that I will read one of these TV Guide articles in question even just to understand them. I once read a book and the writer of it was wondering why someone would buy a different book called The South Beach Diet. The book, The South Beach Diet, has sold lots of copies and proved to be a success. So I guess that I won’t understand why people would like this and leave it at that.

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