Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Pros and Cons of Watching Shows Online

If you want to keep up with certain TV shows, the only logical way to do that might be to watch it online over the network’s websites when they are available to stream later. But this isn’t always something that is good. I will start with the general pros and general cons before going through the specific issues that I’ve had or still have with one network’s in general. Let’s get to it.

Pros: A lot of things that you missed are certain to be here, at least for a time. Thus, it only makes sense that you should watch it if you can since where else could you go? If your affiliate of this network keeps poorly coming in making watching not really an option with live TV, you can always do this instead. The sites keep you interested with old programming available for free as an option a lot of the time. Most of the sites try to stay as updated as possible for newer computers. Sometimes glitches skip the ads.

Cons: There are normally always loading issues, regardless of which site you use. Glitches are quite a common issue at times. Updated websites for videos make it impossible in some cases to watch the shows at all on older laptops. If you have an ad blocker, the site may refuse to work for you since it needs the ads to work. Most annoyingly is the fact that you have to sit through all the ads.

ABC website pros: They have a lot available, including old shows that aired a while ago. I don’t know how much is available, but they could have every episode of every season of whatever shows are on this site. Plus, the site is free for pretty much everything that you want it to be.

ABC website cons: You have to wait at least a week after an episode has aired before you can see it for free, which is quite annoying. The site is too updated making it impossible to see on older computers. I’ve had numerous issues with loading where it just freezes up for some odd reason.

CBS website pros: While you have to pay for it, this has the entire CBS library of TV shows and you can watch all of them online. CBS all access also comes with original programming you can’t get anywhere else outside of The CW in the future later this year and the first season of The Good Fight and hopefully more of that in the future.

CBS website cons: The site is too advanced nowadays and may not work at all if you block ads on other sites since it has to air the ads to air the rest of the content. It may not tell you if such problems exist and you might need even to go through a lot of hassle just to see the free stuff. I’ve also heard of some people having trouble finding just trying to use the site itself, although I don’t know by how much.

CW website pros: It has improved a lot for me versus what it was like in the past with huge availability of a lot of old shows of theirs and even other networks on the CW Seed’s site which is free for all. It might have more on the site than it originally did at one point.

CW website cons: While I don’t know if this is still the case, they would only have the last five episodes that aired on TV on the site, meaning that if they aired reruns and you wanted to see something that was more recent, you wouldn’t be able to get it as the reruns would be on the site instead.

FOX website pros: Honestly, I haven’t used or tried to use this one as much as the others as I haven’t been as reliant on it as I otherwise could be. But it seems to work on the newer laptops and can give you what you’d want or otherwise need from it without too many issues loading it.

FOX website cons: The most advanced of the sites, I couldn’t even access the site on my oldest laptop as it instantly stopped working the moment I went to this site. I’ve had issues with the way some of the ads have loaded and frozen up in the past. You also have to wait a week to see anything new that had aired on this network.

NBC website pros: Like ABC, it has a ton of selection of shows from the past and has more availability of current shows than is typical beyond the usual previous five episodes. It has impressed me so much that it went from around the worst ranked one for me to being the best or second best.

NBC website cons: There have been strange issues in the past with ads where they might reload what they have already aired before and force you to go through them again. I couldn’t even get a loading bar at the bottom once recently and thus couldn’t skip ahead and had to watch through the entire first act of the show again.

That’s about it for this post as I can’t think of anything else to say outside of the usual closing which can be strange as I try to talk about enough in order to finish saying what I think needs said in this post for some reason or another. That’s all for now.

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