Thursday, May 28, 2020

Usual Primetime Rerun

Often nowadays, reruns have become a thing of the past with them rarely happening as much as they used to anymore. Other times, you can often see a primetime rerun at the usual spot all the time and not even just during the summer when some networks want to air repeats in the end. It can be a result of many things and I thought that I would talk some about it here.

First, let’s get the obvious ones out of the way. During the summer, some reruns can be quite common. It doesn’t happen as much anymore, but is more common nowadays than it otherwise could be. There can still be a repeat every now and then during the normal time that it has. Sometimes, you might see a repeat in another show’s usual timeslot, which can be weird. That is normally a huge danger sign for the show that is not being rerun as usual. But what I’m talking about in this blog post is different.

There may be a time when encore programming of various sorts. It can be the same thing that is always shown as a repeat. Or it could be an assortment of various programs. Why would that be? Wouldn’t there be something new that they could put in its place? Sometimes there can be, but they chose to put something else in the timeslot instead while holding the new shows for later.

One of the most common themes of a usual primetime rerun is that there could be a comedy that has no partner for a while. This was common on CBS for a few seasons. They got rid of a show and had nothing to pair it with so they just aired reruns of other comedies all the time. It wasn’t a while until they finally got the right comedy stride down and it more or less lasted for a while, outside of maybe May sweeps in various years, if not most of them.

Honestly, there’s not too much else to say with this blog post since there isn’t too much else to say. It can be annoying at times, but also helpful in case you missed something that you care about. It can seem like shows get the short end of the stick by premiering later when this was used. But it is what you will see a lot of the time on TV, sometimes more than others.

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