Monday, December 23, 2019

On the Declining Use of Theme Songs

One of the best notable things about a lot of shows in the past was their theme song. They would set the stage for what was to come. Often, they would tell you what the show was about without having to stay caught up on it all the time as the basic premise would be summarized for first time viewers and the general idea would be recapped each time as a result. But theme songs are largely becoming a thing of the past with very little new shows using them.

This is quite annoying. A show would often not really be an interesting show without a theme song. Now we often just get a title card that barely lasts long or something like a theme song that doesn’t really have as much to offer. Shows just seem to be lazy with them not buying the rights to a song or creating one of their own. It could be for phasing reasons where it is quicker to go without one. But they often still include recaps of some sort instead. What good is a recap when the song could do all the work?

Does anyone else wish that theme songs were used more? Aren’t others annoyed that there aren’t as many of them being seen in the world nowadays? No one cares about good theme songs that set the scene or otherwise make you know that the show you like is starting. Often when we get theme songs, they aren’t good at all in any way. They are over too quickly or don’t offer much to it. Sometimes, they are just straight out awful in some way. Is bad better than none?

I do wish that theme songs were used more today in shows. I don’t care if they start the show or if they are shown after the cold open or even first commercial break. All I know is that I liked them and wish that they weren’t used less and less.

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