Saturday, November 17, 2018

Signs You Might be a TV Junkie (like me)

Once again, I have not given myself enough time to write myself a lot of a post as other posts are still being written and I don't have any ready to be published. But I thought that an idea like this would be best done in the bullet format and I can't do that as well using copy and paste from a document in Word. So here you get to enjoy this different type of post.

I know that I'm a TV junkie, although I'm trying to limit the amount of which I am in the future. It can be hard to pick between what shows I want to watch at a time and often just go with more than one, using recording methods to catch others later. How else am I or anyone else a TV junkie? Let's get to the list:

  • You can normally have the regularly planned schedule for each major network memorized in your head and can quote it to whoever asks.
  • Most of your calendar updates on your phone relate to when shows return.
  • You watch more than three hours of primetime a night.
  • You once noticed that about 2/7ths of your week was watching TV shows based on the number of hours that each show was.
  • You always watch a series finale or potential series finale you miss online as soon as you can.
  • You normally don't miss important episodes of shows by setting up tapes to record them.
  • There are some tapes with special recordings on it for you to keep watching over again.
  • One of the main reasons that you still have a VCR and tapes to record on them is because you need to record things on it that you will miss.
  • You know what a TV tuner is as you often use it to record shows and watch them later.
  • You know which networks have the best websites for watching shows online and which ones have the worst.
  • FOX and ABC put their shows online a week after they air. The CW, CBS, and NBC have them online much sooner.
  • Your solution to three good things being on at the same time is to record two of them for later while watching the third one live.
  • It is easy to tell with some shows which commercial breaks are the last one and how many breaks there will be.
  • Primetime dramas air a short break between the last part of the show and the scenes for the next one. It is the shortest break always of the shows.
  • The first commercial break in a syndicated sitcom lasts around 90 seconds.
  • The most recently aired season will start airing for the first time in syndication in November, shortly after the World Series has aired.
  • You know what syndication is.
  • You know what a showrunner is.
  • After a football game or any live sports event is done airing on network TV, they put around a four minute commercial break after it even if the show is already delayed or will be delayed longer as a result of this break.
  • You are always prepared for doubleheaders in football and how it could affect what you watch when and what you record for later.
  • After football season is over, CBS Sundays are going to air two basketball games before primetime in March and the Masters in April before the rest of the regular season is done with delays.
  • When a new show starts, you often recognize people from other shows they used to do.
  • You always read who the guest stars are in case you recognize them.
  • You thought that this post would be shorter until you thought of how many things work in it.

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