Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Winter Blahs: It Affects Television Too

Perhaps you’ve heard of the winter blahs. It is basically when you can’t accomplish much of anything and nothing really exciting happens. Parts of the winter make you feel like, well, blah. And the affect can be seen on television as well too. I’m not sure why this happens. But it seems like the winter is the start of when things get boring and dumb on TV.

This isn’t always bad that the winter blahs happen on TV. During December, you’d probably rather be doing other things while celebrating and getting ready for Christmas instead of wanting to watch shows that are on. It is understandable that they’d take a break while giving us Christmas specials during this time instead. It can also be nice to see reruns of different shows that we might have missed before. I’m just pointing out that the winter is the first time of the year this typically happens outside of a brief window of time when the World Series happens. That might be more due to something called sweeps happening at that time and that’s a whole different post.

A lot of shows can wind up going on hiatus the moment that November sweeps are over, which can be quite bothersome since it seems to be quite a blah thing happening. This seems to happen most on the CW which airs midseason finales of all its important shows and waits until mid January to start airing new episodes. ABC is notorious for airing lesser shows in at least December while a lot of their great show are gone until later. I think that NBC is a bit like that too.

So much of what they always do with shows always confuses me. They air new episodes on Thanksgiving and the week after, we see a whole lot less new things on. There are new shows right after the next year begins, only for a lot of it to quickly repeat again. Reruns aren’t even that annoying when you think about it. But we see them a lot more in December and January than any other time.

I don’t think that I have anything else to say. I’ll have to keep writing more of these posts in the future. I’ll be scheduling the rest of the posts for this year pretty soon. I don’t know when things will change, but keep an eye out for changes. Just know that you will keep seeing these Saturday posts unless I say something different. Don't be surprised if you don't see one one week.

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