Saturday, December 30, 2017

Why It’s Never Good to Miss an Episode of a Show you Watch

This post is probably the most obviously named one I could possibly do. But when it comes to peak TV, it isn’t something that one always realizes. You see, it used to be at one point maybe that you could watch shows and miss an episode here and there without it causing too much of a problem for you. Only now, things have changed. I’ll get into that more here.

Whenever you have missed an episode, even if you don’t know at first that you have missed it, you will have missed a part of the show that is important in some way, shape, or form. It will almost certainly be mentioned again in other episodes, this development. There was an episode of The Middle that it took me a while to see in reruns and it explained questions that I had before. Of course, what complicated that show in reruns for me was that holiday episodes weren’t rerun as normally as the others and this could mean constantly missing important things such as Axel’s broken foot.

The more episodes you can miss, the more problems this can cause. I wind up seeing episodes of shows out of order all the time. For instance, since I had a lot of The Flash on tape, it confused me when I saw some of the episodes live before I had caught up. I had seen the episode Paradox, which was the second episode of the third season before I had the third season premiere or even the second season finale. This messed me up a whole lot also because I frequently miss recaps of shows. At least in this case I could still see the older episodes in good time. But what happens when I don’t get to see or record an episode? Then what?

Basically what happens is I get really confused and go on whatever information I learn from it. If I miss any show I watch, I’ll probably want to know all the important parts about it. Of course, I don’t always want to know spoilers, but they can be a good thing to know. You can only get bits and pieces this way and nothing beats actually watching the episode you care about. And while I could most of the time, I am too busy most of the time to actually see these outside of what shows are reran on television.

This didn’t used to be a problem regarding TV shows. You see, I would be okay never having seen every episode of The Andy Griffith Show because it isn’t at all like shows today where every episode matters. I still don’t think that I would care enough to see every episode of most shows that I see. I just hate it when the episode I miss is a key episode. Sometimes this is unavoidable. I mean, I think that nearly every episode of The Flash is a key episode. And by key episode, I mean that it has something in it that you will feel bad for missing. Yet it is hard to keep up with everything and if anything you do to record something fails or can’t be used, then you are sol.

Well, I hope that this post wasn’t just someone like me who is addicted to TV complaining about things that can go wrong. There is no way that I will be able to see every episode of every show that I watch and I’m okay with it. It isn’t good to miss anything with the way TV is now. But I am okay with it even though, deep down inside, I always want to make sure I stay caught up on everything.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Why I’m Glad I Don’t Have Satellite or Cable

I hear it so many times and I’ll never understand it. Numerous people say that they don’t watch a thing on network television. Despite all the great shows being on it, they would prefer whatever comes out of other networks on other channels. Only I’m different in many ways. As you can tell by the title of this post, I don’t have either satellite or cable and I’m glad about it. I love network television and I would not want to start watching other channels.

Of course, not having satellite or cable and relying solely on network television can be a problem. For one, I tend to have shoddy reception of some networks. The only time that NBC comes in is when there aren’t leaves on trees here. And even then, it is unreliable. Of course, it used to be better at times, but that isn’t the real point here. While I miss out on things like better reception of channels, I do enjoy something that those with satellite or cable don’t: free TV.

While it would seem that TV wants us to think that many people steal cable, it probably isn’t the case with everyone or even most people. But why would I spend more money on other channels when the shows that I care about are on network TV? It doesn’t make any sense. Sure, I’ll never know if Game of Thrones is any good. But do I honestly care?

Too many people complain about satellite and cable that they have. It is too expensive. They can’t quit the contract (not easily, at least). They still can’t find something good on despite all the choices. They get things that they don’t want but have to in order to get what they do want. They always have shows on that you don’t care about when you visit them. I could go on, but you should get my point.

I can be satisfied with little in life and not getting as much as other people. Since I am raised without more options than network TV, I don’t have a problem only having it. I can’t name that many shows that I would care about on cable channels and I don’t have to watch it anyways.

Well, that just about covers it for this post. There’s not much else to say so there really isn’t much of a point to say anymore. I probably shouldn’t even have this closing paragraph, yet I do. So I guess that we will see what the future brings for this blog in the meantime.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Saturdays in Primetime Version 1

You might not see any posts like these that often unless something I’ve seen winds up on Saturday at any point in time. I might have done this last season when Ransom was on, but it didn’t happen then. I doubt that this will ever get caught up the other days of the week in terms of lining up one version with another. But you may see this again in the future. Just don’t expect it too much, if at all.

48 Hours: Status- Currently on CBS at 10/9 Central on Saturdays. There are times when it fills gaps in the schedule caused by cancellations on CBS, although that hasn’t happened in a while. Why I’ve seen it- I guess it was just me wanting to watch something that was on, although on occasion, I was interested in what the episode was dealing with. Description- A true crime series that is basically a documentary type show exploring a criminal case. Pros- The episodes are typically quite interesting. Cons- It airs at a bad time. It can also be gruesome and drawn-out. Note to Parents- Don’t let your kids watch this. It is far too dark for them. Recommendation- I guess that this is worth watching from time to time, although I don’t’ typically go out of my way to watch it typically. My Viewing Habits- I have seen this at times, but don’t tune in most times as it isn’t my cup of tea. Prediction- Somehow it has remained a long time on the air despite it typically airing on Saturdays all the time. I imagine that it will continue to last a while. Reception: positive. Grade: B.

Ten Days in the Valley: Status- On ABC on Saturdays. Why I’ve seen it- It looked good and interesting so I thought that I would watch it. Description- A woman’s daughter goes missing and we spend time with everyone related to her life in a period of ten days. Notable People- Kyra Sedgwick, most notable for her role in The Closer, is the star of this show. Pros- It is pretty good and interesting. Cons- It runs the risk of being too mysterious at times. Note to Parents- You probably shouldn’t let your young kids watch this, but teens should be fine with it. Recommendation- Watch it while you can because it won’t last much longer. My Viewing Habits- I saw it since it first aired and will watch the rest of it if I can. Prediction- This is practically over and burning off the rest of its episodes until the end of its run in early January. I wonder if it will be May when they own up to its cancellation or if they’ll do that sooner. If you want to see it, watch it or record it. But it will certainly be over after it finishes airing these episodes and it is cancelled in probably every way. Reception: generally favorable. Grade: A-. New review

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Are Gays Overused in Television?

I honestly don’t know if I can write this post without sounding homophobic so maybe I’ll just hope that I don’t get any hate for this as I already know that I’m probably not sharing this post on facebook this time around. It is an interesting question so I figure that I might as well ask it. Are gays used too much on TV shows? I’ve heard reports that there are more gays in television than ever before. Is this a good thing? Do we need this many gay characters?

One thing that I remember reading somewhere online once (a place I can’t remember and won’t bother looking for) made it seem like gay characters were forced upon some CBS shows due to what they felt was a lack of representation or something dumb like that. The example that I remember is them adding Alicia’s gay brother to The Good Wife. This is despite the fact that an LGBT character called Kalinda was a regular on the show already. Maybe because she is bi-sexual, that wasn’t good enough for people. But it would seem dumb to make shows have gay characters because the writers can make them as bad people as they want to.

But there hasn’t been as many gay characters that were horrible people. The closest example I can think of is the cast of The Real O’Neals where pretty much everyone was horrible in some way. Only I don’t think that the gay character was as bad as all the other main ones. The only other show I can think of is Survivor, only that doesn’t have made up characters; it has real people.

A problem with gays on television, if there is one, is that we can go a while without learning about their orientation. The first season of Supergirl made no hints that Alex was gay other than a lack of any love interest of either gender. But that was easily explained with her being too busy with work. Still, it wasn’t bad when they revealed that she was gay because it was never talked about before. Similarly, the show Fresh off the Boat had another character think that she’s a lesbian, which the age of the character being as young as she is, made it so that she didn’t realize it before.

Supposedly, Haley Dunphey, a character from Modern Family, is bi-sexual. This is what the actress who played her tweeted out. But this character has existed for years. There has not been any hint of her being bi-sexual. Even if they play it off as her suddenly realizing it, it would seem to suddenly change everything we know about this character. Plus, there are two gay leads on the show already. Do they need a third regular LGBT character?

Another problem that I see sometimes is that a character that is gay is not in any way different than what this character would be if he or she were straight. I saw this problem in some shows some times. This doesn’t happen too much. Like I know that it might not be too much of a problem, though. I saw it as a potential problem of Captain Holt in Brooklyn Nine-Nine. While they have made his character more than enough different from a straight one, it seems that most of the time, he could have been easily straight with almost nothing different about him.

In case you think I’m mentioning one problem after another with gay characters, here’s one that works in a different way: straight characters of the same gender getting together. This is a huge problem that I’m surprised the LGBT community isn’t upset with. I was so upset that Walden and Alan were getting married on Two and a Half Men that I ended up not watching the final season as a result. They have been straight the whole show and remained straight as one does yet still got married to each other. What is with that?

Back to the original point: why are there so many gay characters on TV shows? You could probably more easily name shows that don’t have any gay characters than those that do. Even if there isn’t a gay main character, there is normally an important enough recurring character that’s gay. Even closeted gays are gay characters. Even if they aren’t the main focus of the show, they are there. The Simpsons has never been about gays in most episodes, but Waylon Smithers who is in a lot of episodes, has been gay for a long time, although that’s not what the show is about. Neither is Sugergirl about Alex being a lesbian, although that remains unchanged.

I guess that my closing point is that there are a lot of gays on TV shows and you’ll see more of them over time. I have read in both Time Magazine and that there are more LGBT characters than ever be for. Why is that? I don’t know. I hope that it is still okay to do shows without them. And I hope that I didn’t offend anyone with this blog post.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Winter Blahs: It Affects Television Too

Perhaps you’ve heard of the winter blahs. It is basically when you can’t accomplish much of anything and nothing really exciting happens. Parts of the winter make you feel like, well, blah. And the affect can be seen on television as well too. I’m not sure why this happens. But it seems like the winter is the start of when things get boring and dumb on TV.

This isn’t always bad that the winter blahs happen on TV. During December, you’d probably rather be doing other things while celebrating and getting ready for Christmas instead of wanting to watch shows that are on. It is understandable that they’d take a break while giving us Christmas specials during this time instead. It can also be nice to see reruns of different shows that we might have missed before. I’m just pointing out that the winter is the first time of the year this typically happens outside of a brief window of time when the World Series happens. That might be more due to something called sweeps happening at that time and that’s a whole different post.

A lot of shows can wind up going on hiatus the moment that November sweeps are over, which can be quite bothersome since it seems to be quite a blah thing happening. This seems to happen most on the CW which airs midseason finales of all its important shows and waits until mid January to start airing new episodes. ABC is notorious for airing lesser shows in at least December while a lot of their great show are gone until later. I think that NBC is a bit like that too.

So much of what they always do with shows always confuses me. They air new episodes on Thanksgiving and the week after, we see a whole lot less new things on. There are new shows right after the next year begins, only for a lot of it to quickly repeat again. Reruns aren’t even that annoying when you think about it. But we see them a lot more in December and January than any other time.

I don’t think that I have anything else to say. I’ll have to keep writing more of these posts in the future. I’ll be scheduling the rest of the posts for this year pretty soon. I don’t know when things will change, but keep an eye out for changes. Just know that you will keep seeing these Saturday posts unless I say something different. Don't be surprised if you don't see one one week.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Arrowverse Drinking Game

As you might expect from the title of this post (it being a drinking game), I didn't have much time over the Thanksgiving weekend to come up with a new post for this blog. Only this time, this type of post was done mostly late by choice as there is a four series crossover between the shows starting tonight. I hope it is as good or even better than the last one. Remember that one takes risks when one plays drinking games and I take no responsibility for any harm caused to you or any other person playing these games. Now I might as well get to what this game is like. Take a shot if any of the following happen:

  • Any fight scene of any kind.
  • The heroes disagree with each other about something.
  • Any secret is revealed. Includes those previously revealed but not to this person.
  • Oliver Queen says, "You have failed this city."
  • Kara Danvers is awkward in any way, shape, or form.
  • Any superpower is used.
  • Any characters travel through time.
  • A character from one show shows up on another show.
  • Firestorm is formed.
  • Anybody learns of someone's secret identity or reveals their secret identity. Includes fake outs.
  • A character is knocked unconscious.
  • A character speaks highly of their alter ego.
  • A character says he has spoken to his alter ego to learn something. e.g. Oliver Queen says that Arrow gave him important information.
  • Any change from the comic books, even one that winds up temporary.
  • A character impersonates another character, real or imagined.
  • Doppelgangers show up.
  • Someone new gains powers.
  • Someone with power loses them for a time.
  • Person is confused with doppelganger.
  • A new Harrison Wells shows up.
  • Any mention of a different earth for any reason.
  • A dead person comes back to life in any way.
  • A character disappears in some way for a while.
  • Travel to any other earth, even temporary.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Are Life Lessons in Modern, Primetime TV Shows?

When you watched shows as a kid, you watched shows targeted towards your demographic. Shows made for kids have or should some sort of life lesson in it. But then you wonder if this sort of thing is actually in a lot of shows you’d see on network TV at different times. You may or may not know of the concept of a special episode. But some shows do this all the time. While this could just be me and what I think about some shows, I figure that this is worth an analysis.

One of the things that you can’t do in children’s shows are address the serious topics that people that age don’t face. Thus, when it comes to lessons in life about sex or drugs, you’d have to learn them on primetime shows or they wouldn’t teach them at all.

Before I get too far, a life lesson in some shows may just be what some people would write off as liberal propaganda. Some shows might admit that. Now what could be called that might have some good to teach people. Just know that not everything would be accepted as a good lesson to everyone.

While you wouldn’t expect an outrageous show like American Dad to teach you lessons about life, I have noticed some of those in the show when I used to watch it. One taught about the dangers of sexual objectification and how you shouldn’t be with people who see you as just an object for some form of sexual need on their behalf.

The Flash is a show that seems to include life lessons in it from time to time. It makes sense since there are probably a lot of teens watching a superhero based TV show and they could teach good lessons with it from time to time. A recent episode showed that people should focus on saving lives even if it means letting the villain go. Earlier, they had the main character learning the perils of trying to change things that shouldn’t be changed. Of course, this occurred in a way that wouldn't happen in real life.

The main idea behind life lessons in primetime is in the show called Blossom. It frequently made use of concepts known as special episodes where they wouldn’t focus on the laughs that a sitcom like it would normally have on a regular basis. While this doesn’t happen all the time, it is something that happened, maybe not so much anymore. Well, it happens on Arthur, but that isn’t a primetime show.

Family Guy was criticized for trying to do an episode about the perils of abusive relationships as that show isn’t known for being serious most of the time. They have done other good episodes such as those that talked about the anti-vaccine movement or pointed out the flaws of those who wouldn’t treat their kids with medicine (as that actually happens with some dumb religions). They even tried to talk about abortion, but the episode in question was banned from airing, although it is out on DVD.

I don’t know what else there is to mention regarding this post. Maybe there are life lessons in some TV shows. Maybe there aren’t. I could be seeing things that aren’t actually there. But I only brought up some examples and there could be a lot more. That’s just my thoughts on the matter.

Friday, November 24, 2017

My Planned Viewing Habits: Midseason 2018

Well, while I am coming up with different posts to fill out the rest of this year, I might as well do the last of my regular posts that I’m sure I can still do this season. I still have to do whatever posts I can while the year is still happening. Sometimes I wonder how I get all the posts I require myself to do done in time. This year already has the most posts I’ve had in a year and I’ve done that a few times every year now. I’ve had a complicated time trying to watch and keep up with shows that I would normally watch. Too much has changed and gone wrong this year in terms of what I watch. Hopefully I’ll get into all of what I want to watch but who knows what will happen? This is just a plan and I’m not sure if all of this will happen or not. I guess that you’ll have to see when I do reviews what I was able to end up watching and if I had originally planned to do so or not.

Anyways, what are existing shows that are on TV that I still care about? I forget if I told you this before or not, but I started watching How to Get Away with Murder to fill the gap in shows that I would have since CBS wouldn’t be showing any shows until November. That’s the only returning show that I just got into for the first time to tell you about.

I am still planning on watching the following ABC shows: Grey’s Anatomy, The Middle, Fresh off the Boat, American Housewife, Modern Family, Once Upon a Time, and Designated Survivor. There are times when I might watch 20/20 and Shark Tank. As for CBS, I will keep watching Survivor, The Big Bang Theory, Madam Secretary, NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, NCIS: New Orleans, Bull, Scorpion, MacGyver, Kevin Can Wait, Blue Bloods, and Hawaii Five-0. There are times when I watch 60 Minutes and that happens a lot more during midseason after football is over.

Switching to the CW shows, I still watch Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, and Jane the Virgin. Since Survivor will be on hiatus for a bit, I’ll probably watch Riverdale during the break should it still air at the same time. I need to get caught up on that online if I can. As for the FOX shows that I’m into, they are The Simpsons, Family Guy, The Last Man on Earth, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Gotham. I also do watch Bob’s Burgers at times.

Speaking of things that I only do sometimes, I can’t really watch any NBC shows right now as the website sucks most of the time and the channel isn’t coming in. That means that I’m giving up on The Blacklist since it airs against Survivor most of the season. If I were normally watching it, I’d be into the shows of Blindspot, Law and Order: SVU, The Good Place, and Chicago Med. But I haven’t seen them yet this season, although the last one hasn’t started as of me writing this.

Because of these complications, I never watched The Brave like I was planning to. I still could end up seeing it, but I doubt that I will in the end. I only saw Law and Order: True Crime once online. It wasn’t something I was that into, although I would have kept watching it if I could have.

What are the new fall shows I’m still watching? The new FOX shows that I still care about are Ghosted, The Orville, and The Gifted. The new CBS shows that I still care about are Young Sheldon, Wisdom of the Crowd, 9JKL, SEAL Team, and S.W.A.T. The new CW show I care about is Valor, although that might be ending soon. I don’t know if I’ll watch more of Dynasty or not as I’ve only seen one episode thus far when it worked out for me. It would be a fourth show for me which I can’t do. Only it is an NBC show that makes this a fourth show so maybe I should watch it. The new ABC show that I care about is The Good Doctor. What about other ABC shows that were new? Well...

There are new shows that I would watch if they were still on at midseason. 10 Days in the Valley will be burning off the rest of its episodes on Saturdays fairly soon. Inhumans was a limited run series so while it might be back for future seasons, it won’t be back this season. The same is true of Law and Order: True Crime. The show Me, Myself, and I was cancelled so it won’t be back, unless it is to burn off the rest of its episodes. I'd watch it if it does come back.

What are the new midseason shows that I can about? Well, there is a yet unnamed spin-off of Grey’s Anatomy that will air sometime on ABC that I’ll watch. I’ll be watching the FOX show The Resident. I would watch 911 if it didn’t air at a bloated time for me. On CBS, I’ll watch Instinct and By the Book. I don’t know yet if I’ll watch Celebrity Big Brother, but I think that I might avoid it if I can. I’ll be watching the CW shows of Black Lightning and Life Sentence. If I can get something in on NBC, I’ll watch Ellen’s Game of Games, although I don’t care enough about anything on that network right now to go out of my way to see if it is new unless it has alumni from The Good Wife or CSI: Cyber.

I do want to see the NBC shows of Timeless and Shades of Blue when they come back on. But if NBC still has the problems that it does, it seems unlikely that I’ll see anything of it that isn’t online. Even then, I might only watch a series finale of a show that I like since the website fails too much. I probably will not watch The 100, although it is possible that I give it another chance.

In terms of the other shows from previous seasons returning at midseason, I’ll be watching the FOX show of New Girl since it will air its final season. I’ll get more into that later. I’ll be watching Ransom again since it has a surprise return, even though it might not be on until the summer a la Flashpoint. Other shows on CBS that I’ll watch are Elementary and Code Black. I’ll watch the CW show of iZombie, which may not be on until the summer, although I won’t know for sure until the schedule is announced. I’ll be watching the ABC shows of Quantico and Match Game. I might even tune into To Tell the Truth as well, if it works out. It is also worth noting that two shows that could be considered midseason shows, Chicago Med from NBC and Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. from ABC, will have already returned when I get to them later. And I really hope that I can watch Chicago Med.

Now is when I normally talk about any of the new fall shows that I’m not sticking around for. Only I don’t have to as any of them that I can watch, I will watch. This means that Dynasty might be the only one that I’m not into and not because I don’t like it, but because it airs at a bad time.

Of course, the only real thing to note here before closing is that these are merely plans and I may not stick to them or be able to stick with them. I may care less about primetime on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the later airing shows and skip them as a result due to my new job. I will give priority to all of the final season shows that I care about. This means that I might have to give up an existing show that I know is coming back in order to watch or keep watching New Girl and The Middle. This also means that I will watch any episode I can easily see of 10 Days in the Valley as well as Me, Myself, and I, should it air again. I am also making sure that I watch both Instinct and The Resident regardless of when they air. And I should note that I might not even get to watch any of the new shows mentioned should they air at a bad time for me, which can easily happen. One can never know what will change against the original plan.

And that’s pretty much it for this blog post. I need to write more of this blog as I don’t know when I’ll need a post published all the time. In addition to Saturdays and random other days, I could wind up with any number of changes affecting this blog of mine here. If you don’t see a Saturday post, then wait for the next one (whenever it is) and I’ll explain what happened and changed due to my OCD rules. I hope to have a lot written soon to close out this year.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Scheduling Voids and How they are Handled

When you get to knowing TV shows as much as I do or even as much as pretty much any basic person does, you will notice that there are times when there are gaps in the schedule that probably shouldn’t be there but are because of cancellations. They could quickly fill the gap, but this doesn’t always work. Whenever a show is cancelled, something must air in its place. But what?

Sometimes gaps can be dumb in terms of what replaces it. What do I mean? Well, the dumbest of these are when they effectively air nothing but reruns in an empty timeslot. CBS has done this in two back to back seasons with comedies. In one, they got rid of Partners and replaced it with encore programming. This was despite the fact that a show called Friend Me was something they ordered to air. But the man who created it killed himself and CBS liked the empty timeslot better. That is understandable. But in the next season, they pulled The McCarthys from the schedule in February and never really replaced it until the next season giving them an odd number of comedies for the rest of the season, which is around four months of people getting extra Big Bang Theory reruns instead of something new all the time.

There are things to be concerned about when a show you like quickly returns and fills the gap of a cancelled show. You’d think that it wouldn’t be concerning, but it is. The quicker it is filled, the more likely that it is to be cancelled in the future, whether it is the end of this season or the end of the next season after it. Look at Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders. It filled the gap of Doubt’s cancellation quite easily and was cancelled too. Beyond the Tank started to air again the week after Of Kings and Prophets last aired. There is no sign that Beyond the Tank is ever coming back with new episodes.

Sometimes you have to have voids in the schedule since it wouldn’t make sense to fill it. In February, when they have all these special programs on Sundays, some new shows won’t start because they’d be competing with things like the Super Bowl or whatever else is on. That’s why NBC, which airs football until midseason, will typically wait until March to roll out their Sunday schedules.

Comedies can be the hardest to work with in terms of voids in the schedule. While any drama can be replaced by another drama as hour long shows are easy to deal with, if you have an odd number of comedies, someone is probably doing something wrong. This means that a half hour is being wasted in terms of the schedule since they don’t have the right number to air. There are ways to fix this, but it doesn’t normally change since the longer you wait into a season to start working on a new show, the more likely it won’t come out that season.

While it can be seen as bad for a show to quickly replace another, it is actually the best course of action to have one show replace another once it fails. Otherwise, dumb things can happen like one show airing more than once in a season, which typically happens with non-scripted shows like Dateline or, most recently, Shark Tank. Other dumb things could be encore programming for an extended amount of time. I would not have been so annoyed at some shows’ cancellations should there have been an actual replacement for the show instead of just tons of reruns or additional episodes of shows already on the air. Why even pull the show if you can’t give it a real replacement?

An empty timeslot can give networks an excuse to air specials in their place until they feel that a more proper replacement can be used. You’ll see this if a show is cancelled and Halloween in near. When the TV show Hank was pulled from the schedule, that gave ABC time to air things like It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown in its place until they found a new slot for it. You’ll see Christmastime used as a lot of specials that air which normally don’t replace anything long term (unless you are a Christmas show, in which place, you are in until the season’s over and the other show gets its slot back), but if there is a place for it, it will air then and not some other time.

I don’t know what else there is to say on this subject. Maybe there is more that I could bring up, but there really isn’t. The main thing to summarize is that voids can come up in the schedule often enough and they can be dumbly resolved often. But they are always interesting things to watch.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Fall Shows 2017 Part 2

Well, I’m back with part 2 of my review of the new fall shows of 2017. The next reviews will be on the midseason shows. Keep in mind that to keep things linked up with other blogs of mine, you will not see updated reviews of primetime shows for a while. I’m just glad that I have the same number of reviews for now with all the primetime shows. When I do, you won’t see any new sections like you have in the past because I can’t think of what else to add.

Dynasty: Show Description- A family has to deal with new dynamics and working with their respective companies. It replaces the 100 at the moment, although that show will be back. Behind the Scenes- This is a remake. My Thoughts- The characters are bad people so it has that against it. But the plot works for the most part. I give it three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This probably won’t last. Where to Find- On the CW at 9/8 Central on Wednesdays

Valor: Show Description- This is a military show, although I can’t tell the long term plot of it just yet. It replaces Reign. Behind the Scenes- I don’t know what to add here since I haven’t done research into this show. My Thoughts- I couldn’t tell what this was about so it doesn’t seem to offer much to it. But there are interesting parts to it. I give it three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This doesn’t look likely to last. Where to Find- On the CW at 9/8 Central on Mondays

S.W.A.T.: Show Description- This is about a team of people who try to help others in different situations. Just insert standard CBS drama into the plot line here. It replaces, for the moment at least, The Amazing Race, only that show will return at some point. Behind the Scenes- This is a remake of some sort. It also stars Shamar Moore, who used to star in Criminal Minds. My Thoughts- It seemed pretty good even if it didn’t seem that different from other shows. I give it three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- It might last some, but I don’t know for sure. Its timeslot has been a disaster lately. Where to Find- On CBS at 10/9 Central on Thursdays

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Why Advertisers are More Important than Viewers

While viewers will always be important to the world of television, advertisers will in all instances be more important than the viewers are. That’s the main reason why shows that don’t have enough total viewers get cancelled. But there’s more to it than just that. What are they? Well, I might as well get to mentioning all the ways that I can think of.

If you read any blogs of mine besides this one, you might notice that I frequently complain about tape delay after sport events. You can tell that they have to account for the long time they show whatever sports events that they air a lot of commercials with it as well. It seems like they always have to make up missing commercials at the end. That’s why on CBS after football is over, even if the show is already delayed, they air four minutes of commercials before starting the next show. FOX can have a similar problem when sports end on their network. If the show is running late, they air commercials, some of the theme song or title card, even more commercials, and only then do they start the rest show. At least when that happens, they are airing a rerun of a show.

How else are advertisers more important than viewers? Since you know that too little viewers means that shows get cancelled, that’s the main reason. But there is also the use of product placement in shows that help advertisers any way they see fit. Even shows on PBS technically have advertisers who they mention before and sometimes after the show despite them not airing breaks for shows (unless it is to sponsor your local PBS network).

Mostly live specials such as the Oscars, Tonys, Emmys, or the like mess up regular programming, but they never mess up commercials. They will always take the usual breaks that you normally see even as the program runs longer than it should be. You’d think that they could cut out commercials. But it goes over a pretty long time and they still takes breaks before the end.

I thought that I would have more to this post starting out, but I thought that I would just end the post here and not be much more. Maybe I could do more. You can’t blame advertisements for a show getting cancelled as that relates to there being far too few viewers. But you’ll see them a lot relating to sporting events and they help aggravate tape delay. Networks may screw viewers, but they’d never screw the advertisers cause they need them to survive.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Fridays in Primetime Version 4

Fridays are the least competitive nights on television although there are some good shows out there. Viewers aren’t regular, but those that are and even those that aren’t, give the show these ratings. The CW shows Jane the Virgin and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. CBS is showing Blue Bloods, MacGyver, and Hawaii Five-0. ABC is showing 20/20, Once Upon a Time, and Inhumans. NBC shows Dateline and Blindspot. FOX shows mostly reality shows, shows that are ending, or shows that they don’t strongly care about. Beware that most of the shows come here to die and they are only here right now to enjoy them before they are gone, although some shows have thrived here since they have never really seen another night throughout most of their run.

MacGyver: Status- Currently on CBS at 8/7 Central on Fridays. Why I’ve seen it- I typically always watch a CBS show once and I honestly wasn’t interested in anything else at the timeslot when it first started airing. Noteworthiness- This is a remake of a show by the same name. Description- This show is about a man who uses whatever he can to do cool spy things. There are also other people in the cast as needed. Notable People- George Eads, who was in CSI, plays a character on this show. Justin Hires, who was on the Rush Hour TV show, is another character. Pros- It has the same type of interesting quality that you’d see in spy dramas like it. Cons- I’ll admit that some of it seems predictable and cliché. Note to Parents- This has the standard amount of what would be considered objectionable to kids concerning sex and violence. Recommendation- I think that you should watch it as I think it is good. My Viewing Habits- I know that I haven’t seen every episode, but I have seen it since the first episode. Prediction- It is doing good, for now, so we’ll see if it stays that way or not. Reception: generally negative. Grade: A.

Blindspot: Status- Currently on NBC at 8/7 Central on Fridays. Why I’ve seen it- I was interested in the idea of it. Description- For mysterious reasons, a woman has amnesia and tattoos all over her body and there are crimes solved based off of this. Notable People- Archie Panjabi, who was on The Good Wife, is or was a character on the show. Pros- The show is intriguing and interesting. Cons- The show may seem a bit scatterbrained and it seems like they are trying to do a female version of Jason Bourne. The show can seem similar to other types of dramas in a way. It can also be more violent than it needs to be. Note to Parents- I’d say that this is something that teenagers can watch, but not any younger than that. I think that all the episodes I’ve seen thus far were TV14. Recommendation- I’d say that this is worth watching. My Viewing Habits- I will watch this when I can. Prediction- It might not last long on Fridays or it might be a great new night to stay at. I won’t know for sure until I see more of what changes this new season. Reception: positive. Grade: B+.

Once Upon a Time: Status- Currently on ABC at 8/7 Central on Fridays. Why I’ve seen it- General interest in the whole fairy tale genre. Description- The world of fairy tales are trapped in our world (a world of “pure horror”). Well, the show has evolved since then, but that was the original purpose of that at least. Notable People- The creators of Lost also created this show. There might be others in there as well in addition to them. Pros- A captivating drama, it keeps you interested with the writers’ take on fairy tales. It can be hard to stop watching. Cons- One could wonder if the show moves fast enough. Due to the frequent use of flashbacks, one could wonder also if they can keep their stories straight and avoid continuity errors. Plus, it could be too much like a soap opera for those of you who don’t like that genre. Its biggest problem is being too confusing. Note to Parents- It’s borderline wondering whether or not younger people can watch this show. There’s enough in there that you might find objectionable, but most of it might be considered okay to watch with your family. Recommendation- It is a good show, if you don’t mind the other shows at the same time. You should watch it sometime. My Viewing Habits- While I do miss episodes frequently due to poorer reception of this network in my area, I have more or less watched this since the very first episode. Prediction- It is hard to know how long it will keep lasting in general. The contracts for cast members could be too expensive to keep this around still. I don’t know if it will end this season or not, but it might not be long until they announce a final season or series finale of this show. Reception: positive. Grade: A.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Status- Currently on the CW at 8/7 Central on Fridays. Why I’ve seen it- I watched due to my promise to watch a new fall show on each network a season and the fact that this was the only new show on the CW during the fall the season it started. Description- A woman randomly moves to where her ex-boyfriend lives in hopes of winning him back. There’s more to the show as needed. Pros- There are some good parts about it. It can be funny at times. Cons- While this wasn’t bad, I didn’t like it. It was strange and didn’t seem to have much of a point to it. Note to Parents- Having only seen the pilot, there is not much advice to offer here. I’d say this is probably good for teen and preteens but not younger than that. It may be safe for some ages, but I wouldn’t think that. Recommendation- I’d pass on this. Mostly it’s a toss-up between good and bad, so that is why I’ll pass. My Viewing Habits- I only watched the first episode and while this wasn’t that bad, I didn’t like it that much. Prediction- I don’t think that it will last, but it just as easily could. I’ve been wrong about things before. For now, it looks likely to stick around. Reception: positive. Grade: D.

Marvel’s Inhumans: Status- Currently on ABC at 9/8 Central on Fridays. Why I’ve seen it- I like the type of universe that the show is in and the genre too. Noteworthiness- This is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and might link with Agent’s of S.H.I.E.L.D. in different ways. This was originally going to be just a movie before they made it into a show. Description- A royal family of inhumans get lost on earth and there are issues with people’s lives and powers. Pros- It seems pretty good in terms of quality. There are enough interesting things in here for me at least. A lot happens in an episode. Cons- It could use some work on character development and the fish out of water concept. It seems all over the place in terms of writing. Note to Parents- There’s a lot of bad things in here, but this is still okay for teens to watch, just not much younger. Recommendation- I would think that people would like this and should watch it. My Viewing Habits- I had problems watching it over time, but plan to watch what I can of it. Prediction- This will probably not last. Reception: generally negative. Grade: B-. New review

Jane the Virgin: Status- Currently on the CW at 9/8 Central on Fridays. Why I’ve seen it- A dream of mine implied that I should watch it. Description- Based off of a Spanish telenovela, a woman named Jane, who’s a virgin, is accidently artificially inseminated and becomes pregnant. The show has evolved since that. There are others in the cast that make this interesting. Pros- If you actually watch the show, you’ll probably find something very interesting and worthwhile. Cons- It’s hard to tell what to make of this show. I mean, the premise itself seems kind of strange and the promos make it look more than weird. Also, the recurring storylines can drag on throughout the show. Note to Parents- This has some serious topics in it that could be useful discussing with teenagers. I’d say that young kids shouldn’t watch this, but preteens and teens can watch this. Just know that it doesn’t have the best morals present, which is to be expected actually. Recommendation- I would say that you should watch it, but only if you can see it all the time. My Viewing Habits- I missed some of the earlier episodes, but have more or less watched this since sometime in the first season. Prediction- I don’t know how long it will last, but it might not be for too much longer if its ratings don’t pick up soon. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B+.

Hawaii Five-0: Status- Currently on CBS at 9/8 Central on Fridays. Why I’ve seen it- Devotion to the CBS network and curious about what the show is about. Noteworthiness- It is a remake of an old, popular show. Description- An elite crime fighting team works in Hawaii to solve cases. Notable People- Alex O’Loughlin, known for his work on the TV shows Moonlight, Three Rivers, and various movies, is on this show as the main character. Pros- This show is actually filmed where it set. It is an interesting drama. The bickering between the two leads is entertaining. Cons- Some of the methods the characters use to catch the perps are unethical. Since it is a remake, it could just be considered trying to reclaim what it once was. Note to Parents- I’d say maybe on this, although it is probably better to not let your kids watch this unless they are teenagers. Recommendation- Watch this if you have the time to. My viewing habits- I have watched since the first episode, although I have not seen every one yet. Prediction- It will last awhile, even on Fridays. Reception: positive. Grade: B.

Dateline: Status- Currently on NBC at 9/8 Central on Fridays. Why I’ve seen it- Nothing else on and it seemed interesting. Noteworthiness- It is the longest running primetime news show on NBC and sometimes airs multiple times in one week. Description- Pretty much an NBC version of 20/20. I don’t know which came out first. Pros- It can be interesting. Cons- It can only be interesting if you like it. I haven’t seen enough of it to find out how different it is from other networks versions of this show. They mostly only do murder mysteries from real life. Note to Parents- This show is gruesome a lot with what they show on it. They even promote it in a way that implies that the squeamish shouldn’t watch it, at least by themselves. So you probably shouldn’t let your kids watch this. Recommendation- Take it or leave it. My viewing habits- I watch at times but normally don’t care enough as I don’t like true crime shows that much, although this does catch my interest at times, but not always. Prediction- It will last forever. Reception: mostly positive. Grade: B.

Blue Bloods: Status- Currently on CBS at 10/9 Central on Fridays. Why I’ve seen it- It is on CBS. Nothing else good was on. Description- This is a cop show where the cops are related. It is set in New York City. Notable People- Tom Selleck from Magnum PI and movies, is a character. Donnie Walburg, who is in the band New Kids on the Block, is a character as well. Pros- Something good exists on Friday nights for you to watch. A partial family aspect is added to the show which makes it more relatable. They rarely deal with murder and seem to deal with every sort of crime and problems that you might hear about in real life. Cons- The ways the officers catch and interrogate some of the suspects/criminals is unethical some of the time. It can be like a lot of other dramas. They have made some questionable off-camera choices regarding at least one actress who works on the show. Some episodes are better than others. There have been some episodes which use unfair stereotypes for villains. Note to Parents- This is better in terms of what is acceptable to show your kids than a lot of shows are. Recommendation- Take it or leave it. I like it. You might too. My Viewing Habits- I have seen most episodes and watched this from the very first episode. Prediction- It will stay around for a while unless they decide to end it. Reception: mostly positive. Grade: B-.

20/20: Status- Currently on ABC at 10/9 Central on Fridays. Why I’ve seen it- It looked interesting when I first saw it. Noteworthiness- It is the longest running primetime news show on ABC and the longest running ABC show in primetime at least. It premiered when Jimmy Carter was president. Description- This is an in-depth news show regarding issues relating to current events or just anything like a murder mystery. Pros- Can be quite interesting if you don’t watch anything else at that time. Cons- There’s a show like this on every network. Re-runs rarely exist. Some episodes are better than others. It can be hard to watch all the time. Note to Parents- If you typically let your kids watch the news, then this is something you can let them watch. Although, I’d honestly stay clear of letting most kids watch this as it is far too grim for them. Recommendation- I like it, but don’t watch it unless I know that I want to. Maybe you’ll like it or consider it a complete waste of time. My Viewing Habits- I don’t watch all the time, but I do when it works out although I tend to avoid the murder mystery episodes. Prediction- It will last unless something weird happens. Reception: currently positive, although the first episode was panned which lead to a retooling of the good show we know today. Grade: A.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Tuesdays in Primetime Version 4

Tuesdays are a competitive night on television. Except for CBS and the CW, all networks have an hour of comedies at this time. It is also when some of television’s most popular shows are on. The only problem is that the shows are so good, you won’t be able to watch them all.

The Middle: Status- Currently on ABC at 8/7 Central on Tuesdays. Why I’ve seen it- Survivor was on hiatus (this show used to air on Wednesday) and I heard this was good. Noteworthiness- It is tied with Modern Family as longest running ABC comedy still on the air. It actually started a half hour before Modern Family did, if I have my information right. Description- The comedy adventures of an ordinary family in Indiana. Notable People- Patricia Heaton, who was Debra from Everybody Loves Raymond, is the mother. Neil Flynn, from Scrubs, is the father of the show. Pros- Mothers would like this show. It is quite funny from time to time. The youngest kid’s quirkiness is humorous. Cons- Some inappropriate stuff comes up sometimes. However, the show is typically always PG so it’s not as bad as it could be. Note to Parents- This is probably more acceptable than a lot of other shows in terms of content, but I’d ultimately watch it for yourself to make a decision. Recommendation- I say that you should watch this show if you can. My Viewing Habits- I have had a hard time keeping up with this show and have seen most of it due to syndicated repeats. I am planning on sticking with it until the end. Prediction- It is officially on its last season right now. Reception: positive. Grade: B+.

The Flash: Status- Currently on the CW at 8/7 Central on Tuesdays. Why I’ve seen it- General interest in shows like it. Noteworthiness- This is set in the same world as Arrow. This show is based off of a comic book series. Description- This show is about a person who is struck by lightning and gains the power of super speed. It is not ordinary lightning. Pros- The show is pretty good. It seems interesting. There’s a lot in here that keeps you coming back. Cons- It may seem similar to other superhero TV shows. It is too connected to Arrow and other shows in the universe which can cause problems if you don’t watch all the other shows. Note to Parents- This show is targeted to teens and is safe for them to watch, although enough of it is bad for younger audiences. Recommendation- I think that this is probably worth watching all the time. My Viewing Habits- I have been a fan of this since the first episode although I have missed a lot of it as it went on. Prediction- This will probably last a good while. I haven’t heard problems with ratings so I think it will do well. Reception: positive. Grade: B+.

NCIS: Status- Currently on CBS at 8/7 Central on Tuesdays. Why I’ve seen it- My brother and the rest of my family liked the show and I thought it was good enough to watch all the time. Noteworthiness- It is a spin-off of the show JAG. At least at the beginning, the cases on the show were inspired by real cases. I don’t know if they still are. It has two spin-offs. Description- A team of federal agents solves murders of marines and navy members as well as other crimes relating to them and other people. Notable People- Wilmer Valderama from That 70’s Show, Awake, and Minority Report, is a character on this show. Pros- It stays fresh despite its long time on the air. The humor is quite interesting. Cons- It is running out of steam. It has lost a lot of its cast as it has gone along. Note to Parents- I’ve noticed enough bad stuff in here, but mostly related to violence more than anything else. I watched this as a teen and don’t see why others can’t too. Recommendation- It is one of my favorite shows. I say watch it if you have the chance too and aren’t already. My Viewing Habits- I got into this late originally but have since gotten older seasons on DVD and have seen most episodes. Prediction- It will last a while more. Reception: very positive. Grade: A+.

Fresh off the Boat: Status- Currently on ABC at 8:30/7:30 Central on Tuesdays. Why I’ve seen it- It aired with a comedy that I normally watch. Noteworthiness- This is based off of a true story and book, but I don’t know how much. Description- Set in the past, this is a sitcom about an Asian family that moved to America and other friends in their lives. Pros- This is actually quite good in terms of quality. Cons- The show can be weirder than it needs to be. Note to Parents- This is actually quite acceptable in terms of material as I can’t think of much bad in here for kids and other young ones outside of a gay character (that I know some people wouldn’t like but most wouldn’t care about). Recommendation- I would watch this show if you can. My Viewing Habits- I got into it into its second season and have watched on and off as long as it fit in my schedule which it hasn’t always has. Prediction- It is doing well in the ratings right now so it should last. Reception: critically acclaimed. Grade: B-.

Black-ish: Status- Currently on ABC at 9/8 Central on Tuesdays. Why I’ve seen it- I had time the one time I tuned in. Noteworthiness- This is based on a true story or might have been at one point in time when it first started out. Description- This sitcom is about a black family. Pros- It is popular with critics. Cons- I thought that this show was terrible. I didn’t find any of it funny nor did I understand the purpose that it had. Note to Parents- Having only seen one episode, I don’t know what to put here. It might be okay for kids, but I really don’t know for sure what to tell people. Recommendation- I wouldn’t watch it, but that’s just me. My Viewing Habits- I don’t watch it. I only saw it once then had no interest in watching it again since it just didn’t click with me. Prediction- I say that this will last until syndication. It might have lasted that long already. Reception: positive. Grade: D.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: Status- Currently on Tuesdays at 9/8 Central on the CW. Why I’ve seen it- I had an obligation to watch one midseason replacement on the CW at the time plus a general interest in the show. Noteworthiness- This is adapted from The Flash and Arrow TV shows using characters from them and from DC comics. It is set in the general Arrowverse. Description- A time master gets a team of people from our time to save the world from a threat in the future. The plot has evolved beyond that, although the idea of time travelling superheroes is still there. Pros- I love this show and think that it is awesome. The plot is good and gripping. It is very interesting and keeps you coming back for more. Cons- Its only potential problems are with its connections with other shows and it potentially dragging on too long. It recycles too much from Arrowverse without bringing too much on its own without it. Like all shows in this franchise, it is hard to understand it without watching the other shows as well. Note to Parents- This is probably the standard amount of objectionable material, although it doesn’t seem as focused on sex as some shows. There’s a lot of fighting in it. Recommendation- You should watch this if you don’t already have more important commitments. My Viewing Habits- I have watched this since the first episode, although I might have missed a few. Prediction- This will probably last for a while, if all goes well. The only thing against it is whether there are simply too many shows for the network, but I see it lasting a long time. Reception: mixed to positive. Grade: A.

Bull: Status- Currently on CBS at 9/8 Central on Tuesdays. Why I’ve seen it- I always watch a CBS show under most circumstances and I thought that this show would be interesting too. Noteworthiness- This is inspired by something Dr. Phil did before he went into television. He also helped create the show. Description- This is about a jury consultant who helps with court cases. Notable People- This stars Michael Weatherly, well known from NCIS, as the main character. Pros- It seems like a pretty interesting show as you normally don’t see courtroom dramas from this perspective. In fact, it makes you wonder why you don’t see shows like this more often. Cons- Michael Weatherly is doing a bad job of separating himself from NCIS as his character on this show is very similar to the one he played on NCIS. Also, it doesn’t seem realistic as no other courtroom drama has this angle on it. Note to Parents- This is the standard amount in terms of what is acceptable for kids or not. Recommendation- I would watch this show if you could. My Viewing Habits- I have watched it since the first episode, but I don’t think that I’ve seen all of it. Prediction- With an NCIS lead-in, it’s unlikely that this fails any time soon. If it ever losses that in the future, then there could be problems. I guess we’ll have to see what happens with it, but it will last for now. Reception: negative. Grade: A.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Status- Currently on FOX at 9:30/8:30 Central on Tuesdays. Why I’ve seen it- The critics like it and I thought that it might be good. Description- It is a comedy-drama (mostly comedy) that has cops solving crimes in a humorous way. Notable people- This show has Andy Sandberg (formerly from Saturday Night Live), Terry Crews (known from Everybody Hates Chris), as well as other famous people I don’t know that well or what they are from. Pros- I’d have to say that it’s pretty good how it takes stuff that could be put in a drama and has a funny spin on it. Cons- The usual bad morals are present and a lot of the humor is hit and miss. Note to Parents- I’m not sure if this has ever aired with a viewer discretion is advised warning, but there’s enough in here that’s bad for younger than teenagers. Recommendation- This show is pretty good and I recommend it. It’s nice to see a cop comedy instead of the typical cop drama. My Viewing Habits- While I have liked this since the first episode, I have not always watched it, although I do whenever it works out in my schedule. Prediction- I don’t know if this show will last or not. I hope that it does, but it might not. I say that it might last for now. Reception: positive. Grade: A-.

Law & Order: True Crime: Status- Currently on NBC at 10/9 Central on Tuesdays. Why I’ve seen it- I saw this since an alumni from The Good Wife is in this. Noteworthiness- This is inspired by a true case and part of the Law and Order franchise. Description- It is about a real crime committed by two abused brothers against their abusive parents. Other seasons will probably have different crimes, should they make other seasons. Notable People- Josh Charles, former star of The Good Wife, is in this show as well. Pros- It addresses serious concepts. Cons- It seems to do too much at once by trying to cover all the angles. Also, the plot is very grim, grimmer than SVU even. Note to Parents- Don’t let kids watch this. Recommendation- I’d put this at a toss-up. My Viewing Habits- I’ve seen it once online and could watch more if NBC came in where I lived or I cared enough about it. Prediction- I don’t think that it will last much longer. It depends on if the network wants to keep it around or if they see it as only a limited thing. Reception: mixed. Grade: C-. New review

NCIS: New Orleans: Status- Currently on CBS at 10/9 Central on Tuesdays. Why I’ve seen it- I watch the original so I figured that I should watch this as well. Noteworthiness- It is a spin-off of NCIS. This show is actually filmed in New Orleans where it is set. Description- This is a show about an NCIS team set in New Orleans. Pros- There are plenty of good things about the show. It is as interesting and good as most dramas are. It keeps the charm of NCIS even with a different cast. The different filming location probably helped it. Cons- Some people have been annoyed by the fake accents of the characters. Plus, it may not be as interesting or good as the original NCIS is. Some of the choices made with the characters are bad decisions on the writer’s part. Note to Parents- This has the standard amount of stuff that you would find it shows. There is more violence in it that is negative for kids than anything else. Recommendation- I think that you should probably watch it. My Viewing Habits- I have watched it since the first episode, although I have not seen all of it. Prediction- I think that it will probably last a while. Reception: mostly positive. Grade: A.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Fall Shows 2017 Part 1

Here are my reviews of this, the first batch of new fall shows that are airing in 2017. I will get to the next batch sometime later. I hope that I have enough of this here, but just know that TV is getting to be too weird with how it does schedules so it might be a while until part 2 arrives. You will see more updates on primetime schedules in the meantime until the next part and the ones after. Now that I’ve made you really confused, let’s get to part 1 of these reviews, which will probably be a whole lot more than what part 2 will have.

The Orville: Show Description- I don’t know that much about it right now. I just know that there is a crew in space with different things going on. Behind the Scenes- Seth McFarlane, creator of Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, and various other shows, is the creator and stars in this one, which is a bit odd since I think this is a drama and not a comedy. My Thoughts- This is different as it tries to address current day topics in a new way while adding its own creation and stuff. I’ll have to see more of it to know how I feel, but I think that it is good enough to keep watching for now at least. Hopefully I'll understand more what it is about later. I give it three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This looks likely to stay around for now. Where to Find- On FOX at 9/8 Central on Thursdays

The Good Doctor: Show Description- A young doctor with autism starts working with other doctors and has to overcome stigma. Behind the Scenes- This is created by the same person who created House. One can wonder why it took so long for him to do a new show again. My Thoughts- Since I have autism, I feel that putting it front and center in this or any show means that they have to tread carefully. Based on what I’ve seen thus far, this show looks pretty good although I might not keep watching if I do not like how the main character is portrayed in the future. I give it five out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This is getting good ratings for now so it will stay for as long as that lasts. I'd say this will be here for a while. Where to Find- On ABC at 10/9 Central on Mondays

Me, Myself, and I: Show Description- This is the story of a person’s life at three different stages, old, middle aged, and young. It replaces 2 Broke Girls. Behind the Scenes- Bobby Monahan from Saturday Night Live plays the middle version of the main character. My Thoughts- Well, I think that its main flaw is presenting itself as a comedy when it would work better as a drama. I do still think that it is a good show outside of that and worth watching. I give it three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This is likely to stay around, for the moment at least. Where to Find- On CBS at 9:30/8:30 Central on Mondays

Young Sheldon: Show Description- A spin-off of The Big Bang Theory, it features Sheldon Cooper at a younger age. One can wonder why they didn’t call it Evolution Theory. It replaces The Great Indoors. Behind the Scenes- Jim Parson, who plays adult Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory, is the narrator of this show. My Thoughts- This looks like it could be interesting but doesn’t seem to have the same type of appeal that The Big Bang Theory does. It doesn’t seem as funny as one would want it. But it does seem interesting. I give it four out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- It could stay, but we won’t know for sure until it is airing at a regular time. Where to Find- It is not on at the moment, but in November, it will be on CBS at 8:30/7:30 Central on Thursdays right about The Big Bang Theory airs.

Law & Order: True Crime: Show Description- It is about a real crime committed by two abused brothers against their abusive parents. Other seasons will probably have different crimes. Behind the Scenes- This has Josh Charles who used to star on The Good Wife. My Thoughts- It can seem good in some ways, but it has problems too. For one, it seems to do too much at once by trying to cover all the angles. Also, the plot is very grim, grimmer than SVU even. But it does address serious concepts. I give it three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This could stay around, but only if the network doesn’t just see it as a limited thing. Where to Find- On NBC at 10/9 Central on Tuesdays

SEAL Team: Show Description- This show is about those in a team of Navy seals and their adventures. It replaces Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders. Behind the Scenes- The main male lead from Bones is the star of this show. My Thoughts- It seems pretty good based on what I saw of it thus far. I hope that we get more layered characters in the future. But it makes the military look good and delves into some of the mention issues they might face. I give it four out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This is doing well in the ratings at the moment. Where to Find- On CBS at 9/8 Central on Wednesdays

Wisdom of the Crowd: Show Description- A person creates technology to help ordinary people solve crimes. It is currently replacing Elementary only that show will be back at some point. Behind the Scenes- There’s nothing to add here this time just yet. My Thoughts- It seemed good and interesting enough. It tries to be different, although it can see like the same old type of crime show. Also, it seems like CBS is trying to recreate Person of Interest in a way with this. But it is nice how it presents a different way of having people solve a crime. I give it three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This could last longer. Where to Find- On CBS at 8/7 Central on Sundays unless delayed until later due to sports.

Marvel’s Inhumans: Show Description- A royal family of inhumans get lost on earth and there are issues with people’s lives and powers. Behind the Scenes- This is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and might link with Agent’s of S.H.I.E.L.D. in different ways. I’d be a bit concerned that this might be the network’s attempt at replacing the other show. Also, this was originally going to be just a movie before they made it into a show. My Thoughts- It seems pretty good in terms of quality. It might seem all over the place in terms of writing, though. It also could use some work on character development and the fish out of water concept. Still, there is enough interesting things in here for me at least. I give it three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This seems like it could last for now. It might not should there not be a more long term plan with it in the future. Where to Find- On ABC at 9/8 Central on Fridays

The Gifted: Show Description- Set in a world with X-men, a family finds themselves on the run with the help of other fugitive mutants. Behind the Scenes- This is inspired by the X-men comic strip. This also stars Amy Acker who was in Person of Interest and various other shows. My Thoughts- This is pretty good and pretty interesting. It’s only flaw might be needing to slow down a bit and not focus on too much at once like it has been doing. I give it four out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This looks like it will last for now. Where to Find- On FOX at 9/8 Central on Mondays

9JKL: Show Description- A man lives in an apartment building right next to other family members of his leading to wild antics as usual. It currently replaces Man with a Plan, only that show will at some point. Behind the Scenes- The main star of this show who is also the showrunner based this off of part of his own life. This also stars Liza Lapira who starred in NCIS, Dollhouse, Traffic Light, Super Fun Night, Don’t Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23, Battle Creek, and Cooper Barrett’s Guide to Surviving Life, among other things. My Thoughts- This has about all the bad stuff that you would typically find in a sitcom like amoral characters. The writing and acting could use some work. Still, it seems good enough most of the time. I give it three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- It might last for now. I’d be concerned, though, if you are a fan of this once it loses its lead-in of The Big Bang Theory, although it could change nothing. Where to Find- On CBS at 8:30/7:30 Central on Mondays

Ten Days in the Valley: Show Description- A woman’s daughter goes missing and we spend time with everyone related to her life in a period of ten days. Behind the Scenes- The star of The Closer is the star of this show as well. My Thoughts- It is pretty good and interesting, but it does run the risk of being too mysterious at times. I give it four out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This will not last. Where to Find- On ABC at 10/9 Central on Sundays

Ghosted: Show Description- Two men work with a paranormal investigation agency. Behind the Scenes- This has Adam Scott from Parks and Recreation as one of the main stars. My Thoughts- This is clearly a buddy cop TV show with a supernatural twist. Despite it having half of an overused premise as a plot, it can be pretty interesting at times. I give it three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This is doing well at the moment. Where to Find- On FOX at 8:30/7:30 Central on Sundays

Well, things got a bit crazy on my end in terms of what I could end up watching due to various problems and issues that should hopefully be solved right now. You should see some of what I was unable to review this time around in the next part of these posts. To be continued…

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Back to School Commercials 2017

I’m wondering if I should do a post like this for political commercials. I doubt that I could keep it straight from this and the Christmas ones, but I should do something since I had to put up with them since June for a primary that wouldn’t happen until March. That doesn’t mean that these commercials weren’t bad. They started on July 11th, 2017. Then they increased from there.

In 2014, the official count of back to school commercials before Independence Day is 1. The official count before August is 48. The official count before September is 158. The official total of the whole year is 170. In 2015, the official count of back to school commercials before Independence Day is 0. The official count before August is 44. The official count before September is 125. The official total of the whole year is 136. In 2016, the official count of back to school commercials before Independence Day is 1. The official count before August is ~61. The official count before September is ~261. The official total of the whole year is 286.

In 2017, the official count of back to school commercials before Independence Day is 0. The official count before August is ~68. The official count before September is 219. The official total of the whole year is 234.

Well, there isn’t much else to do in this post except come up with this ending to this post. I don’t know when to stop counting them for sure going into this post so I’ll probably wait until the end of October, but I don’t think that there would be that many after September ends anyways so I might just end it there. I don’t know when you’ll see this. But if you are reading this, you are seeing it now.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

SNL Drinking Game

Well, for various reasons, I'm not able to do a different post of this blog at the moment. So I'm coming up with another drinking game as well. Also, my laptop is having loading issues and they might not get resolved at a good time. Until something is known for sure, you'll never know if these updates will continue as they would normally otherwise. I'm thinking of getting the issues checked out on Monday if I can. Anyways, this is a list of reasons to take a shot while otherwise watching Saturday Night Live (SNL). Remember that drinking games are always played at one's own risk. When would one drink while watching it?

Drink every time someone breaks character, drink at every cameo, drink every time the audience cheers, drink at every live goof, drink if the sketch involves all or nearly all of the black cast, drink if they do political commentary instead of actual jokes, drink during a one joke sketch every time that one joke is used, and drink if you didn't find a whole segment funny or good in any way.

Monday, October 2, 2017

How I Decide What Shows to Watch Live and Record for Later

You may know from reading the reviews I post in this blog and various other posts that I have a way of watching many different shows all at once. I once could do four shows at once with two VCRs that could record stuff, a TV tuner that could record something, and a show to watch live as it airs. The whole process can be complicated and I gave you a hint of this life in a post entitled a week in the life of a TV junkie. So how do I decide what gets watched or recorded on what format? Well, things are always subject to change, but I figured that I might as well mention all the various rules I have about it.

Before I go too far, I should say that things are subject to change in the format that I use as things go along. What I do some of the time, I don’t do all of the time. Each day and week is different than the next and that is why I never know for sure what is happening. Plus, I have to record things for someone else which can be bothersome at times.

Normally, what I watch live is considered a priority one show. What I record on my laptop is considered a priority two show. What I record on tape is considered a priority three show. Anything that conflicts with them that I like but decide not to watch sometimes due to that many good things being on at once is a priority four show. There has not yet been a priority five show. If there are good things on each network all at the same time, that is rare and doesn’t always happen. Even then, there is likely some show that I don’t care enough about to watch even if I do like it.

Starting out, the shows that I would watch would be whatever has been on longest is watched live, the second longest is on my laptop, the third longest or shortest amount of time would be on tape. This isn’t always the case going on. For one, I try to avoid reruns, but I can’t always do that every time. Also, I only avoid reruns if I have seen it because I can miss episodes a lot. I also want to give priority to special episodes which may only count as season finales.

There tends to be a gap between when I record something on tape and when I watch it as unless I am really far behind on them. That is why any show I have not seen most not be put on tape since I want to know then and there if I like it or not. This could affect the recording schedule. Also, if something is on instead of the usual programming, I tend to ignore it unless I have nothing else to watch.

It can be hard to keep track of some shows. If I know that one is ending or could end, I try to watch the last episode live instead of recording it. I do have to record some on tape at times and do this by choice at times. If I can’t see something live, I record what I can although I can’t record everything. Sometimes I can’t watch anything at all even if I am at home all day.

One of the things that I have changed in the rules is keeping up with the ratings of shows. This means that if I know a show could be ending, I can avoid putting it on tape if and when possible. Now new shows are more likely to get cancelled than most existing shows. This means that even shows that I like more or have been on longer can get put on tape instead. Another thing that I have to worry about is reception problems with channels where I live and I might have to avoid putting these shows on my laptop due to these problems.

Honestly, I don’t know what else there is to say regarding it. I could do a log about it for this blog, but I don’t think that it is worth anyone’s time, not even mine. I watch what I watch when I can watch it. I don’t watch what I can’t see whenever it is that I can’t see it. I watch too much TV. I don’t watch what doesn’t come in as that isn’t worth anyone’s time. I try to avoid watching things online whenever I can as a lot of network’s websites’ aren’t reliable. I hope that they can change that as I know that someone reads this blog, although it probably isn’t always the same person. At least I don’t do this for nothing. I’ll be back with new posts at some point in time and if I do wind up on an odd hiatus for any reason, then I hope to be back by the next month sometime.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Reviews of Shows that Began in 2004

Once again, I feel the urge to review shows that started before the start of this blog. Admittedly, this may contain reviews I’ve already mentioned before in a different way. I have my reasons for picking this year instead of other years. I don’t know if it is worth telling you why. I also don’t know if I should say why I’m doing this when I did the shows that ended in 2007 earlier this year. You might not see the next set next year, but you should at some point. I might as well get started with these reviews.

CSI: New York: Show history- It was the third installment of CSI franchise that ran for nine seasons, the shortest run of the franchise at the time. What’s it about- Basically, people solved crimes while using different investigative techniques. Why I’ve seen it- I slowly got into this when I realized that I might as well watch this since I watched CSI: Miami at the time. My viewing habits- I got into this late but stayed with it until the very end. Where it aired- It was on CBS its entire run. What I liked about it- It wasn’t as gruesome as other shows in the franchise. Things about it were straightforward and not confusing. What I didn’t like about it- The recurring storylines weren’t always that good. More thoughts on it- This is probably the best show in the CSI franchise (not counting anything connected by crossover). I felt that this probably had the best of the plots of all of the franchise. Current fate- It is probably in syndication on different cable networks, although I don’t know for sure. The show ended a while back after a move to Fridays brought lower ratings. DVD suggestion- I would get this and hope that I can in the future over time. Grade: B+.

Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends: Show history- I don’t know much about its history. What’s it about- There is a house for imaginary friends which actually exist when a child creates them and we see the adventures of these creatures and the few humans in their life. Why I’ve seen it- It looked good to me and it was back when I still watched children’s shows which isn’t a surprise as I was still in grade school back in 2004. My viewing habits- I saw what I could of this, although it wasn’t as much as I would like as a lot of it aired on cable which I don’t get. Where it aired- I mostly watched it on Kids WB. It also aired on Cartoon Network. What I liked about it- The show was inventive and quirky. There wasn’t much bad to it. What I didn’t like about it- Not all of the plots worked well and it can seem dumb at points. More thoughts on it- I thought that it was pretty good for its genre, although it wasn’t as educational as it otherwise could have been. Current fate- I don’t know if this still airs in reruns or if it is on DVD either. DVD suggestion- If this is out, I might get it were I not wanting too many other things. Grade: B.

The Batman: Show history- It aired as part of Kids WB. What’s it about- This is another animated version of Batman, one seeming more serious than others. Why I’ve seen it- I was never that into it, but I did watch sometimes as I wasn’t interested in other shows at the time. My viewing habits- I saw random episodes of this here and there but never cared much about it. Where it aired- This was part of Kids WB for its whole run. What I liked about it- It had recurring plots to keep you interested. What I didn’t like about it- It seemed darker than it needed to be and was too strange at times. It didn’t keep my interest as much as I would have liked it to. More thoughts on it- This was probably good, but I wasn’t interested at the time in it to care that much about it. Current fate- I don’t know if this airs on any network now and would be surprised if it did. DVD suggestion- It would work for some people, but I don’t think that I personally would get it. Grade: C.

Maya & Miguel: Show history- It aired for a while on PBS Kids as part of their then new PBS Kids Go programming block. What’s it about- A Hispanic brother and sister have mostly normal adventures with their friends of different races. Why I’ve seen it- I was interested enough to give it a chance. My viewing habits- I saw what I could of this when it was on. Where it aired- It was on PBS kids for its run. What I liked about it- Most shows don’t focus on multiculturalism so it was cool to see this show. Maya always tried to help people even if it wasn’t always with good results. What I didn’t like about it- The episodes seemed too long all the time and some of it wasn’t as realistic as it should have been. More thoughts on it- I liked this show, but probably not more than most other shows that I saw on PBS kids. Current fate- It lasted a mostly short time and launched a spin-off called Word Girl. I don’t think that it airs anywhere anymore. DVD suggestion- If this is out, it might be good to get. Grade: C+.

House: Show history- It was once the longest running drama on the FOX network. I think that Gotham has replaced it, if we include only the shows that are still on. What’s it about- A very strange doctor does whatever he can to save his patients. Why I’ve seen it- I was trying to get into medical dramas at the time that I thought I should give a chance too. My viewing habits- I only watched various episodes in what became the final season, stopping before the show’s run ended. Where it aired- It was on FOX throughout its whole run. What I liked about it- The show worked and didn’t seem too complicated. What I didn’t like about it- The main character is such an asshole and the plots, at least towards the end, were pretty bad. More thoughts on it- I was never that into it and had only a brief time that I spent watching it. Current fate- It had ended after its long run and I don’t know what networks might still air reruns of it. DVD suggestion- I’d pass. Grade: D.

Phil of the Future: Show history- It aired maybe two seasons or a bit more. What’s it about- A family from the future winds up in the present day. Why I’ve seen it- It being a Saturday morning show that I still cared about back then, I watched it because I could. My viewing habits- I watched what I could of this, but didn’t see too much of it. Where it aired- It aired on ABC for me, originally on Disney Channel. What I liked about it- The show was interesting with good concepts to it. What I didn’t like about it- Parts of it were dumb and pointless. More thoughts on it- It was a pretty good show and I never saw that much about it since I only get broadcast television and different things that I liked aired at the same time as it. Current fate- I don’t think that it airs anywhere anymore. DVD suggestion- This might be good to own, although I’m not sure if it is out on DVD. Grade: B-.

Postcards from Buster: Show history- This had a strong first season and some random episodes after this that have aired at random times. What’s it about- This was a spin-off of Arthur featuring a travelling Buster and his adventures. Why I’ve seen it- I watched all new shows on the network at the time. My viewing habits- I might have seen every episode outside of what might have aired after its second season, if any aired at all. Where it aired- This was on PBS kids for most of its run, with a notable episode airing in primetime in some regions. What I liked about it- It showed a lot of different places and cultures in the country. What I didn’t like about it- It seemed to have errors in continuity with Arthur as this should be set entirely within Arthur’s second season, yet it mentioned various events from future seasons. Also, the format was weird and unrealistic. More thoughts on it- Its fate was sealed when it featured a lesbian couple and lost funding as a result. The show was pretty much doomed from that point forward, although some episodes were made. Current fate- It no longer airs in any places to my knowledge. DVD suggestion- I don’t think that all of this is on DVD as the first season was incorrectly labeled as the complete series. It might be worth it, even though it is odd. Grade: B.

Quintuplets: Show history- I think that this only lasted for a single season. What’s it about- A comedy, this show is about a group of quintuplets when they are teenagers. Why I’ve seen it- My family was interested in it at the time. I forget if this aired on Sundays or not. My viewing habits- I saw various episodes, but I don’t think that I saw all of it. Where it aired- This aired on FOX. What I liked about it- It worked generally as a good sitcom about a family. What I didn’t like about it- A lot of it was widely inappropriate, yet in a way that I don’t think ever got a viewer discretion is advised warning. More thoughts on it- It seemed pretty much average in terms of quality. Current fate- I doubt that it reruns given its short length of time on the air. DVD suggestion- I don’t think that this is out and while I liked the show to an extent, I don’t think that I would get it. Grade: C-.

Tavis Smiley: Show history- The first black person to host an NPR show makes the switch to TV (although his radio show might still exist as well). What’s it about- Tavis Smiley interviews various people. Why I’ve seen it- I was interested in it at the time. My viewing habits- I have seen a few episodes here and there, but not too much of it due to its weird airtimes. Where it aired- It airs on PBS. What I liked about it- The show is very informative and interesting. What I didn’t like about it- Not everyone on it is as notable as one would like. More thoughts on it- I probably have not seen as much of this as I would like, yet I’m also not sure what I’d get out of this that I wouldn’t get out of other shows. Current fate- This show is actually still on the air with new episodes on PBS. DVD suggestion- This isn’t on DVD so a suggestion is not needed. It might be good if it were. Grade: B.

Wonderfalls: Show history- It aired a season, but not every episode was televised. It has since turned into a cult classic. What’s it about- A woman gets strange signs from the universe in the form of voices from inanimate objects talking to her. Why I’ve seen it- It looked interesting to me. My viewing habits- I think that I might have seen all that aired on TV, although I’m not entirely sure. Where it aired- It was on the FOX network. What I liked about it- The show was different and that was good. What I didn’t like about it- Parts of it didn’t seem to go anywhere. The supporting cast seemed wasted on unimportant plot points and only the main character seemed to have anything interesting going on. More thoughts on it- It was the type of quirky show that I tend to like even if some parts of it were dumb and a waste. Current fate- It didn’t last long, but all the episodes, including those that didn’t air, are on DVD. DVD suggestion- If you liked it, then you should get it. I personally don’t know if I care enough about it to get it. Grade: B-.

Drake & Josh: Show history- It aired a good while on Nickelodeon. What’s it about- Two people with opposing personalities become step-brothers. It could be described as similar to The Odd Couple. Why I’ve seen it- I was interested enough in it to watch it when I could. My viewing habits- I saw made a few episodes of it here and there. Where it aired- It aired on Nickelodeon at the time. What I liked about it- The show seemed to work a lot of the time. What I didn’t like about it- It wasn’t as educational as a show like this should have been. More thoughts on it- At times, it was weirder than it should have been and didn’t have as good appeal towards it that it should have. Current fate- I don’t think that this airs anymore. DVD suggestion- I don’t know if this is out or worth the money. Grade: C.

Lost: Show history- It had a pretty good run. What’s it about- A group of people wind up stranded on an island that is mysterious with things happening. Why I’ve seen it- I was checking what was on different tapes and this was one of the things that I found. My viewing habits- I only saw one episode of it and am not even sure that I should be reviewing it. Where it aired- It was an ABC show. What I liked about it- It seemed different than most shows you’d see. What I didn’t like about it- It was far too confusing and strange. More thoughts on it- I don’t think that I can gather much from the one episode of it that I saw. I just know that tons of people liked it until an infamous final episode of it aired. Current fate- I don’t think that it airs anymore, although it could. DVD suggestion- I’m not giving one. Grade: C.

I’m going to switch here to reviews of seasons of shows that started in 2004. This will be similar to how they were in 2007’s ended shows reviews. I’m going to mention the same groups of shows as that time as I don’t really know what else to include at the moment. Maybe I can expand more as I catch up to future years.

Survivor: All-Stars: Show history- This was the eighth season of Survivor and the first to use all returning players. What’s it about- Eighteen contestants from each of the seven previous seasons compete for a new chance to win a million dollars. Why I’ve seen it- I always watch Survivor seasons. My viewing habits- I did not see the whole season when it aired, although I got nearly all of it. Where it aired- It was on CBS and the first episode of the season was a Super Bowl lead-out program. What makes it different than other seasons- Before this season, they had never had all returning players before or any returning players in any capacity. It was also the first season to have more than sixteen players. There were other things they did different than usual. What I liked about it- The three tribes format was nice to watch. It was also cool seeing old players again. What I didn’t like about it- They seemed to put way too many dumb twists in here. The cast was kind of weak. Some of what happened here was just messed up. More thoughts on it- Out of all the seasons with all returning players, this is probably the lowest ranked in my mind. The events leading to Sue’s quit were among the most disturbing things ever shown on television. Where it ranks among other seasons- This would be with the bad seasons or pretty close to it. Maybe it is more average than actually bad, but I don’t think highly of it and most fans really hate this season. DVD suggestion- I would get this if you get all the DVDs of Survivor or in some way want to catch up on it for whatever reason, but I’d pass on this as a lot of it is bad. Grade: D.

Survivor: Vanuatu: Show history- This is the ninth season of Survivor. What’s it about- This was a battle of the sexes season where it began with nine men facing off against nine women. Why I’ve seen it- As always, I watch each new Survivor season when I can. My viewing habits- I might have seen this whole season when it aired, although I’m not sure at the moment. Where it aired- It aired on CBS. What makes it different than other seasons- While it reused an opening twist from Amazon’s season, there were some different aspects to it such as evolving game play and the formal introduction of the double tribal council twist. What I liked about it- I liked it being different and better executed than the previous battle of the sexes season. I felt that the winner and story arc after the merge that lead to his win was great to watch. What I didn’t like about it- The game before the merge wasn’t as interesting or good as it could have been. More thoughts on it- This was a pretty good season and could be underrated among them. Where it ranks among other seasons- I’d rank this among the good seasons, although I don’t know if it cracks the top ten. DVD suggestion- This is a pretty good season and I think that one should get it even if one hasn’t seen Survivor but one is interested in watching it. Grade: B.

Power Rangers: Dino Thunder: Show history- This was the second of the Disney owned Power Rangers seasons that aired. It featured the return of fan favorite ranger Tommy. What’s it about- A monster wants to return the earth to the days of the dinosaurs while the rangers try to stop this from happening. Why I’ve seen it- I was still into Power Rangers at the time and still watched this because it was pretty good and interesting. My viewing habits- I saw what I could of this, although I know I didn’t see every episode of it this season. Where it aired- It aired on one of the Disney related channels and ABC where I watched it. What makes it different than other seasons- While the villain is probably indisputably bad, he wasn’t just trying to take over the earth like all the other villains were. Like the previous season, it started with only three rangers although it had five at the end. What I liked about it- The evil white ranger story arc was well done and fun to watch. There was a lot in here for classic ranger fans while it kept things interesting to the new people who watch it. What I didn’t like about it- Due to scheduling issues, Tommy was underused in the season. Parts of it seemed to be too random and not make as much sense as it should have. More thoughts on it- I liked the season and felt it was one of the better Disney era seasons. Where it ranks among other seasons- I’d rank this pretty high, although not as high as some other seasons. DVD suggestion- I might get this at some point, but I think that fans of the classic era would appreciate it and so would people who want to know more about Power Rangers history in general. Grade: B.