With today being the best and only certain time for me to write this post, then I might as well get it done despite never having much time for anything and yet still bringing these blogs back because I have to do with my OCD instead of doing more sensible things at times. Anyways, here’s the other part of the summer reviews of shows this year.
Stars on Mars: Show Description- Celebrities compete in a Mars simulation. Behind the Scenes- There are a lot of famous people on this. My Thoughts- Personally, I couldn’t even bring myself to watch this show until after Lance Armstrong was gone from it. The show’s name may be an outright lie, but it does work in some ways. I hate that so many people just straight up quit over and over again. But it is good enough in the long run. I give it three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- I don’t think that this will last unless the writer’s strike still hasn’t been resolved by next summer. Where to Find- On FOX at 8/7 Central on Mondays
Run the Burbs: Show Description- This focuses on a family in the suburbs. Behind the Scenes- This is a foreign show airing on the CW. My Thoughts- It was dumb and didn’t seem all the well acted. I give it two out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- It probably won’t last here, although it might last in the country it started in. Where to Find- On the CW at 8:30/7:30 Central on Mondays
Children Ruin Everything: Show Description- Parents have issues with the immaturity of their kids and yet want another want. Behind the Scenes- Blah, blah, blah, foreign show on the CW, blah, blah, blah. My Thoughts- It isn’t good. The title alone is problematic. And it is hard to think of any redeeming value that it has in the long run. I give it one out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- This won’t last at all. Where to Find- On the CW at 9/8 Central on Wednesdays
Son of a Critch: Show Description- A boy describes his life at his new school and growing up in general. Behind the Scenes- This is yet another foreign show that airs on the CW and also based on the life of its creator. My Thoughts- The show is so unfunny that while trying to watch its second episode, I just had to turn it off and watch something else instead. While parts of it are decent enough, you can get much better things from shows like it like The Goldbergs. I give it one out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- I have no idea if it will last here or not. I’d say maybe, but only because the CW has jack shit to air nowadays. Where to Find- On the CW at 8/7 Central on Wednesdays
Down to Earth with Zac Efron: Show Description- A
documentary, Zac Efron explores some places on earth to help us understand it
better. Behind the Scenes- This aired on streaming before it was on the CW very
briefly. My Thoughts- It was a good show while it briefly lasted. I give it
four out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- It has been cancelled already due
to low ratings, but if more of it airs on Netflix, where it first aired,
remains to be seen. Where to Find-Not on the schedule
Fantastic Friends: Show Description- A documentary, we
see twin brothers and their on screen sister who played characters in the Harry
Potter universe explore some of the earth. Behind the Scenes- Bonnie Wright,
James Phelps, and Oliver Phelps all appear together as the fantastic friends. They
played the roles in the Weasleys: Ginny, Fred, and George. My Thoughts- It is a
wonderful and fun documentary that would be worth watching if it were still on.
I give this four out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- It has already been
cancelled and I don’t know if more of it will see the light of day on steaming
if it hasn’t already. I put it as likely, but uncertain. Where to Find- Not on
the schedule
Fight to Survive: Show Description- A group of survivalists, known for appearing in other reality shows like Naked and Afraid, Survivor, and other shows, compete to survive in Fiji against each other to see if they will share the same resources and work together or turn against each other. Behind the Scenes- This is a Roku show that is also airing on the CW. My Thoughts- Parts of this are predictable, but it is different and interesting enough. I give this three out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- I have no idea if it will last or not or if it will air on the CW if it does last. It might depend on just how much the CW scraps the bottom of the barrel as it has been since Nexstar bought it and if they make do with other things instead. Where to Find- On the CW at 8/7 Central on Thursdays
Recipe for Disaster: Show Description- Three teams of people compete in a cooking competition with various problems of weirdness happening while they do this. Behind the Scenes- Hey, look at that garbage can! My Thoughts- It is as dumb as you’d expect just given the promos of it. I give this one out of five stars. Long Term Prospects- I don’t expect it to last, even if they had nothing else to air. Where to Find- On the CW at 9/8 Central on Saturdays
While I could do much more with the returning show section like I normally do, I am just going to include just the shows that I feel like doing newish reviews of. Thus, I won’t have to do too much more beyond what you have already seen so far.
Bump: Status- Currently on the CW at 9:30/8:30 Central on Mondays.
Why I’ve seen it- I tend to watch every new CW show at least once.
Noteworthiness- This is a show from Australia that is airing in the US. It is
only half an hour so I’m unsure if this is supposed to be a comedy or a drama
that’s shorter. I see it as more of a drama than a comedy. Description- A
teenager who didn’t know she was pregnant winds up dealing with a lot of family
drama beyond just being a new mom while still in high school. Pros- Parts of
this seem interesting and worth seeing what happens. It can spark interesting
conversations with family if you watch it with them. Cons- Parts of this seem
dumb or otherwise not work such as the extent of some of the drama going on at
once. Note to Parents- While a lot of this can be bad for kids, with teens, it
might be worth watching if you are willing to have serious conversations about
what goes on in the show. Recommendation- It is a wonderful show that I
recommend. My Viewing Habits- I have seen what has worked out of this, but not
all of it. Prediction- This has already had a lot of seasons beyond what we
have seen so far in the US and a spin-off that might air here at some point in
time. I would say that given CW’s status, it is almost certain that we will see
these seasons when they air here. Reception: good. Grade: B-. New review
HouseBroken: Status- Currently on FOX at 9/8 Central on Sundays.
Why I’ve seen it- I tend to watch a new FOX show at least once. Description- Some
pets have adventures. Pros- It is different than the usual adult comedy in
enough ways. Cons- This show was dumb and didn’t have much to it. Note to
Parents- This airs with a content adversary warning so that’s all that you
really need to know about that in the end. Recommendation- Don’t waste your
time with it. My Viewing Habits- I watched one episode of this and won’t watch
it again. Prediction- This might keep lasting, but I have no idea if it has
good odds in the long run since it keeps airing in the dead of summer instead
of the main season. I think that it is still likely to last for now. Reception:
mixed. Grade: F. New review