While I undoubtedly am always
late with this post, I do have a better reason for it this time than I have in
years past. You see, the weird scheduling of Supergirl airing so late into the
season made me want to put off doing this post. I’m going to include that same
show in the next season’s posts as well. Note that I could get all of the other
reviews ready in the meantime, but that hasn’t happened yet. I’m wanting to do
a best and worst shows of the decade nominees and awards too. I have no idea
just how long that will be delayed for either. Also, as usual, I have no idea
what may or may not actually be cancelled. I just know that it more than likely
is if there are no signs that it is returning. We’ll see if I’m wrong about any
of them or not.
Deadly Games: Why I’ve seen it- I watch every new CBS show (or did at one
point) at least once despite the fact that this isn’t really a CBS show.
Noteworthiness- This is based on true stories. Part of this is based on the
story of Richard Jewel and based on a book called Deadly Games. This also
previously aired on cable before it repeated these episodes on CBS to make up
for production slowdowns due to covid19. Description- Law enforcement tries to
find the person or people who did a bombing while a man has to deal with being
falsely accused of the crime. Notable People- It stars Desmond Harrington who
was also on Elementary for a season. Pros- This seems pretty good and
interesting even if one can be spoiled to what happens by simply looking up
what happened in the past. Cons- There could be a bit too much in there at once
while also dragging things out for a while. Note to Parents- Teens can watch
this, but kids should not. Recommendation- I like it feel that it is good to
watch and keep track of. My viewing habits- I’ve seen every episode of this
show, all ten. Cancellation reasons- This was never a long term plan and was
only meant to air for just one season. If more of this airs, it would be on
cable and not CBS. I doubt that there will be more of this ever. Similar shows-
The Blacklist, Big Sky, and S.W.A.T. DVD suggestion- If there are any, I would
recommend it. Reception: possibly positive. Grade: A.
Rise: Why I’ve seen it- I tend to watch shows on CBS at least once at
the time. Description- This is a courtroom drama largely from a judge’s
perspective. Pros- It seemed pretty good. We see what we normally don’t in
perspective. Cons- It does have a problem by not seeming much different from
other shows like it, outside of who the main focus is on. Some can
question if the friendships on the show would be ethical or good in reality. Note to
Parents- This might not have too much that kids can’t see, but could have
issues beyond that as it would focus on bad things in people’s lives such as
crimes. Recommendation- It is worth it so enjoy the show. My Viewing Habits- I
missed a lot of this during its run as it originally conflicted with work when
it first started. After a work schedule change, I saw a whole lot more of it
than I normally would have and stuck with it until the end. Special note- There
was a serious ratings decline in the second season so the show was cancelled as
a result. However, it will be moving to OWN for future seasons. Similar show: SVU.
DVD suggestion- I’d say that they are worth it if you want them. Reception:
generally favorable. Grade: A.
Supergirl: Why I’ve seen it- I thought that it looked good and I
watched every show on CBS at least once at the time, which is the network it
used to air on before it switched. Noteworthiness- This is adapted from DC
comics. It has links to the same world as The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, and
Arrow, among other shows. It was on CBS for the first season before moving to
the CW for the rest of its run on TV. Description- Superman’s cousin, who is
female, becomes a superhero herself fighting various alien outlaws and other
supernatural creatures or whoever seeks to harm the earth. Pros- This show is
quite good and interesting, seeing a previously unknown superhero (to me, at
least) get her own story. Cons- There could be potential flaws with being
politically correct. Some of the subplots can seem like a waste. Note to
Parents- From what I’ve seen thus far, this show is pretty acceptable to a
younger audience, although there still might be more violence than they would
need. There is also a gay main character, if that affects anything in your
mind. Recommendation- I think that this is a good show and worth watching. My
Viewing Habits- I have seen this from the first episode, but have not seen
every one. Cancellation reasons- There were declining ratings so they decided
it was best to end it as a result of this. Similar shows- Pretty much the rest
of Arrowverse like Batwoman, Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, and other shows
like Law and Order: SVU, Kung Fu, and Charmed. DVD suggestion- I think that one
should get the whole series. Reception: highly positive. Grade: A-.
Ellen’s Game of Games: Why I’ve seen it- I was interested enough in
it and it worked out for me to watch it. Noteworthiness- This is a spin-off of
The Ellen DeGeneres Show using games that often appear on the show.
Description- Ellen DeGeneres hosts a show where people have to do random games
to move on and get a lot of money potentially. Notable People- Ellen DeGeneres
hosts a talk show and used to do a sitcom. Pros- It is funny and entertaining.
It is more simple and not something that you have to know a lot about things in
order to do well all the time on it. Cons- It seems odd in some places and I
don’t know if it is fair entirely. Ellen’s tendency to ask trick questions can
make you wonder if everything is on the up and up. Note to Parents- This might
not have too much wrong with it, if it has anything wrong with it at all. Any
problems would be in words spoken and not stuff shown on TV. Recommendation-
This is probably worth watching if you aren’t into anything else at the time or
can’t see shows on a regular basis. My Viewing Habits- I had watched this a bit
sporadically due to other commitments, time constraints, and lack of good
reception on the network in question. Cancellation reasons- I’m unsure if Ellen
chose to end this or if the network did. Either way, it is done now. Similar
shows- Let’s Make a Deal, Family Game Fight, and Whose Line is it Anyways? DVD
suggestion- There won’t be any and it won’t be worth it. Reception: somewhat
good. Grade: B-.
Mysteries Decoded: Why I’ve seen it- I often watch a CW show at
least once. Description- A true crime show, a woman seeks to find answers
relating to various mysteries of sorts. Pros- It might be liked for those of
you who are into this type of show. Cons- I don’t really like true crime most
of the time so I didn’t like this as much. Note to Parents- This is the same
type of content that you’d get from other true crime shows which is probably
why you should not let kids watch it. Recommendation- Don’t watch it. My
Viewing Habits- I saw this once, but will not see it again. Cancellation
reasons- While it was not officially cancelled, it shows no signs of returning,
unless it is back on just the CW seed airing all of its new content there.
Similar shows: 20/20, Dateline, and 48 Hours. DVD suggestion- Don’t bother with
it. Reception: good. Grade: D.
Prodigal Son: Why I’ve seen it- I was a bit into it and want to
start watching every new FOX show when I can. Description- A consult works for
the cops while also dealing with his criminal father. Pros- It’s not entirely
something different while not being something you wouldn’t expect either. It
seems to make sense. Cons- It could become too cliché or mysterious. The second
season was way worse than the first and left us with a horrible ending to the
series. Note to Parents-This is not for kids, but teens might be okay watching
it. Note that it airs with a content adversary warning. Recommendation- This
might be good for others to watch. My Viewing Habits- I wasn’t able to see it
as much starting out due to work commitments, but that changed so I could see
it more later. After its ending, I will never watch this ever again. It’s dead
to me. Cancellation reasons- There was a sophomore slump in creativity and
ratings so they cancelled it as a result. Similar show: The Blacklist. DVD
suggestion- This might have been worth it for the first season, it is not for
the second and thus not something that you should get. Reception: mixed. Grade:
Taskmaster: Why I’ve seen it- I tend to watch a new CW show at
least once. Noteworthiness- This is a British show that aired in America. We
got series 8 of the show here. Description- A group of five people complete
various tasks for points. Tasks are often humorous in some way or wind up being
that way in the end. Pros- I love it as we saw humorous things happening as the
odd tasks are completed. This could very well be the funniest show in
television history. Cons- You might have to see it more than once to truly
understand it. The team tasks don’t always seem fair due to the way people are
grouped together. Note to Parents- While this promotes itself as kid friendly,
it isn’t due to language and sexual dialogue. It is something that kids can
watch. Recommendation- This is an awesome show that everyone should watch
whenever they can. My Viewing Habits- I watched all of what was available on
the CW seed which was all of series 8. I’ve seen other episodes on YouTube and
plan to watch more. Cancellation reasons- On the service, this is the most
baffling cancellation in television history. In reality, the reasons why this
aired only one episode due to extremely low ratings can be explained in how the
CW screwed itself out of this great show. For one, it was so poorly promoted
that I can’t remember a single promo for this ever airing. For another, it was
on Sundays which aren’t as good a time for CW shows. It also started airing in
August which is a dead zone for shows to start. Similar shows- Saturday Night
Live and Whose Line is it Anyways? DVD suggestion- I have no idea if there are
DVDs of this in the US or not. But you don’t need them as complete episodes are
available for free (with ads) on the official Taskmaster YouTube channel
online, which is linked for your pleasure below. Just know that not everything
would be available all the time or in this country for sure. Watch it while you
can. Reception: acclaimed. Grade: A+.
Link to YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Taskmaster
Being Reuben- Why I’ve seen it- It aired on the CW and I try to
watch shows on that network at least once now whenever I can. Noteworthiness- Like
a lot of the CW shows in the summer of 2020, it aired on British television
first. Description- A male tries to get into the makeup business in this
documentary show. Pros- This might appeal to metrosexuals. Cons- It seemed dumb
and didn’t have much to it. I don’t have anything wrong with a guy doing
makeup, but I also have zero interest in it either. Note to Parents- I don’t
know if one wouldn’t like this for their kids or not. You’d have to see it for
yourself and decide for sure. Recommendation- Don’t watch this. It is
pointless. My Viewing Habits- I watched this once and then never saw it again.
Cancellation reasons- People didn’t care about this so they didn’t watch it,
cancelling it as a result. Similar shows- none. DVD suggestion- Don’t bother
with this at all. Reception: unknown. Grade: F.
Superstore: Why I’ve seen it- My mother was originally interested
in it, so I recorded it for her and watched it myself. Description- This is a
comedy about people who work in a store and the adventures that ensue. Pros-
This show is interesting and different. Cons- There really isn’t much that this
show offers. It can be weird. Note to Parents- This is probably the standard
amount of what you’d expect in terms of what is acceptable or not for your kids
to watch. In the episode I saw, an unmarried woman was pregnant.
Recommendation- It isn’t terrible, but I wouldn’t watch it again. My Viewing
Habits- I only watched this once. Cancellation reasons- This ended for whatever
reason it did. Similar shows- B Positive and Mr. Mayor. DVD suggestion-Don’t
get them as it isn’t worth it. Reception: mixed. Grade: D.
The CW Happy Hour: Why I’ve seen it- It was on so I watched it at
the time. Description- While not a real TV show, it was the network airing
standup specials for an hour, plus commercial breaks. Notable People- Whoever
was on this show was notable in some way, although I didn’t always know how.
Pros- It the comedians on this show are good, then the show is good. Cons- The
show is only as good as the people on it so if it sucks and isn’t funny, then
it isn’t worth watching that episode. Note to Parents- There were some
objectionable things here and there that aren’t for kids at all. Recommendation-
If you like the comedian, then great! Watch it. Otherwise, don’t bother with
it. My Viewing Habits- I only really liked one of the comedians that well.
While I did see other whole episodes besides that, I didn’t really care that
much to watch it that much. Cancellation reasons- This wasn’t a real show so it
didn’t really last as a result. Similar shows- none. DVD suggestion- Whether or
not you get it is your own choice based on whatever specials the comedian was
already on. Thus, get the special if you like it, or don’t bother with it.
Reception: unknown. Grade: C.
Mom: Why I’ve seen it- If you didn’t know already, I like to watch
every CBS TV show, even if it is just once. Description- A woman deals with the
issues of single motherhood and various family problems. Notable People- Alison
Janey and Anna Farris, both known for movies, are two main characters on the
show, although Anna Farris wasn’t in the last season. Chuck Lorre, who created
Two and a Half Men, The Big Bang Theory, and helps with Mike and Molly, helps
with this show, although I’m not sure if he created it, which he might have.
Pros- People like it, based on comments I’ve seen online. Cons- All the show is
about is a bunch of immoral people and I don’t know why we should care about
something like this. Also, it is far from being funny. Note to Parents- This
has so much smut in it that I wouldn’t let anyone you take care of watch it. Recommendation-
Don’t watch it. It’s terrible. The fact that people like it completely baffles
me. My Viewing Habits- I watched the first episode and would rather watch 30
straight minutes of commercials before I’d tune into this again. Cancellation
reasons- After a respectable run and it lasting into syndication, they got rid
of it at some point. Whether or not Anna Farris leaving it had anything to do
with it ending is unknown to me, but possibly likely. Similar shows- Young
Sheldon, The Simpsons, Bob’s Burgers, The Great North, The Goldbergs, The
Connors, Home Economics, Family Guy, and Pivoting. DVD suggestion- Don’t ever
get it. Reception: somewhat favorable. Grade: F.
Tell Me a Story: Why I’ve seen it- It aired on the CW and I try to
watch these new shows at least once. Noteworthiness- This was a CBS all access
show that then aired on network TV. It also adapted some fairy tales in a way
somehow. Description- Supposedly a twisted version of fairy tales, it seems to
be more like a crime drama filled with other stories too. Pros- It might be
trying for something different? Cons- It moved too slowly and didn’t make
sense, with not much being known about the characters or anyone to root for. Note
to Parents- This is too gruesome and immoral so don’t let your kids see this
ever. Recommendation- Don’t waste your time with it. My Viewing Habits- I
watched the first episode of it and never saw it again. Cancellation reasons- I
don’t know why it failed on streaming, but it didn’t last long on network
television because it just didn’t seem like it was a long term plan for it.
Similar shows- none. DVD suggestion- Don’t bother with it. Reception: mixed.
Grade: F.
Fridge Wars: Why I’ve seen it- I like to watch a new CW show at
least once when I can. Noteworthiness- This was a Canadian show that aired in
the US. Description- Two chefs try to make meals based on duplicates from
fridges of some people with the people eating said meal. Pros- It works as a
competition show. Cons- While this wasn’t that bad, it wasn’t my style. Note to
Parents- I don’t think that there was too much bad about this from what I saw
of it. Recommendation- Don’t bother with it. My Viewing Habits- I only watched
it once. Cancellation reasons- It wasn’t officially cancelled, but won’t be
coming back, at least in the US. Similar shows- Next Level Chef, Masterchef,
and Hell’s Kitchen. DVD suggestion: If there are any releases of this (which I
doubt), it wouldn’t be worth it. Reception: mixed. Grade: D.
Last Man Standing: Why I’ve seen it- I was into it at one point. I
can’t remember why. Noteworthiness- This was cancelled by ABC where it had
originally aired before FOX did a revival of it a year later for a few seasons
more. Description- A largely conservative man raises his daughters while
working at a business and other things happen too. Notable People- Tim Allen
from Home Improvement is the main character on this show. Pros- It can be good
in some places. Cons- The earlier seasons were probably better than any of the
later ones. This can be too political and far from being funny as it often just
insults people. Note to Parents- There’s a lot in here that is bad for kids.
Recommendation- Don’t waste your time with this. My Viewing Habits- I saw the
ABC version a lot until I realized that I no longer liked the show. I never saw
any of the FOX version. Cancellation reasons- The cancellation originally from
ABC came as a surprise and didn’t seem to make sense. It seemed to have to do
with controversial things that Tim Allen had said at the time, but in reality,
it had more to do with ABC not wanting to spend money on something that they
didn’t actually own. After FOX brought it back, it was only a matter of time
until it ended for real and for good, but more on its own terms. Similar shows-
none, although similar to any family sitcom. DVD suggestion- This isn’t worth
the money that they spend to make the DVDs they are on. Reception: fairly
negative. Grade: F.
Original review after first
cancellation with now outdated information: Last Man
Standing: Why I’ve seen it- My brother liked it at the
time and the show I typically watched at the time was repeats. Description-
This is a man-centric show about being a man with numerous women in your
family. I’m not sure if there’s a better way of describing this show or not.
Notable People- Tim Allen, known for his comedic work, various movies, and his
time on Home Improvement is the main character on this show. Pros- It has been
funny in the past. Cons- It can be sexist and otherwise demeaning. It is far
too political. An actress was recast which typically isn’t a good sign for a
show. As usual, the morals aren’t good. Note to Parents- I’m not sure if this
is acceptable for kids or not. I’d lean towards not. Recommendation- I have no
idea if you’d like it or not. If you do, then watch, if not, then don’t bother
with it. I would avoid watching this. My Viewing Habits- I got into this a bit
late and didn’t care enough to watch it all the time. I stayed with it for a
bit until I realized that I just couldn’t watch this anymore as if it was good,
it wasn’t anymore. Cancellation reasons- There isn’t much of a reason outside
of the fact that ABC didn’t own this show and it was getting old. I heard that
other networks might be interested in picking it up, but that doesn’t tend to go
anywhere. Similar shows- Late Night with Seth Meyers, American Dad, and Family
Guy. DVD suggestion- I wouldn’t get this and don’t think that you should
either. Reception: panned, then more positive. Grade: D.
Black Lightning: Why I’ve seen it- I try to watch a new CW show at
least once if I can. Also, I like most superhero shows and watch them when I
can as they are normally good. Noteworthiness- This is adapted from a DC comics
character. It did become part of Arrowverse. Description- A black superhero
comes out of retirement to protect his city from new threats. Pros- This show
has more normal humans that can solve problems and even create problems. Thus,
it is good that it focuses less on just a super villain of the week. The plot
largely works for the most part. Cons- There could be more people that have
super powers in this than I’ve seen thus far. Its advantage of not always
focusing on people with powers is also a problem. There could be more to it
than there is. Note to Parents- Teens should be okay watching this and maybe
some preteens would be okay too, but there are some issues that parents might
have with this, such as a lesbian character. Recommendation- I see it as
largely good and suggest watching it. My Viewing Habits- I got into this just a
bit later than I was wanting to and have missed a lot, but have watched this
since the first season. I missed a lot of this early into 2019’s new season due
to work commitments before I could come back into it long term after that.
Cancellation reasons- I’m not entirely sure what all went into the
cancellation, but they chose to end it and that’s all that I really need to
know about it. Similar show: Batwoman. DVD suggestion- This might be worth it.
Just know that you don’t have to even if you are into other Arrowverse shows.
Reception: positive. Grade: B.
MacGyver: Why I’ve seen it- I typically always watch a CBS show
once and I honestly wasn’t interested in anything else at the timeslot when it
first started airing. Noteworthiness- This is a remake of a show by the same
name. It is also part of the NCIS franchise by proxy. Description- This show is
about a man who uses whatever he can to do cool spy things. There are also
other people in the cast as needed. Notable People- George Eads, who was in
CSI, plays a character on this show. Justin Hires, who was on the Rush Hour TV
show, is another character. Pros- It has the same type of interesting quality
that you’d see in spy dramas like it. Cons- I’ll admit that some of it seems
predictable and cliché. Note to Parents- This has the standard amount of what
would be considered objectionable to kids concerning sex and violence.
Recommendation- I think that you should watch it as I think it is good. My
Viewing Habits- I know that I haven’t seen every episode, but I have seen it
since the first episode. Cancellation reasons- It came off as a bit of a shock
so I’m not sure why it was cancelled. Sometimes shows just don’t last. Similar
shows- SEAL Team and Legends of Tomorrow. DVD suggestion- I would get it myself
and plan to some day. Reception: generally negative. Grade: A.
For Life: Why I’ve seen it- The show looked like it could be
interesting. Noteworthiness- This is inspired by a true story of a man named
Walter Isaacson Jr. Description- A wrongly convicted man who is serving life in
prison is also a lawyer working to help others and clear his own name. Pros- It
is quite interesting and worth keeping up with. Cons- The show doesn’t seem
focused in some places like you would want it to be. Note to Parents- This is
not safe for the younger kids, but it would work for teens and older.
Recommendation- I think that this is worth seeing on a regular basis. My
Viewing Habits- I have seen this from the first episode and plan to keep
watching it until the end although I missed some of it here and there.
Cancellation reasons- There were too low ratings. It was available elsewhere
online and had the possibility of being brought back for more seasons, but this
wasn’t the case in the end. Similar shows- none. DVD suggestion- This could be
worth it. Reception: generally favorable. Grade: B+.
Celebrity Watch Party: Why I’ve seen it- I tend to watch a new FOX
show at least once now at some point in time. Noteworthiness- This was based on
a British show and one of the original programming brought forth by the
pandemic. Description- Famous people are shown reacting and watching shows that
were on TV. Pros- It promotes buzz worthy content. Cons- This is exactly as
dumb as it sounds. I don’t want to watch reaction videos to what is actually
worth watching instead. Note to Parents- I have no idea just how bad this is
for kids, but do say that it is probably bad based on bad language that was
used, even if some of it was censored. Recommendation- This was such a huge
waste of a timeslot that you are better off watching what was shown on the show
instead of the actual show itself. My Viewing Habits- I watched this once and
never wanted to see it again. Cancellation reasons- I don’t think that this was
an official cancellation, at least for a while, but it was probably due to
negative reception or poor ratings. Similar shows- none. DVD suggestion- There
won’t be any, which is completely fine as it isn’t anymore remotely close to
being worth much of anything. Reception: mixed. Grade: F.
Labor of Love: Why I’ve seen it- I wanted to see any new FOX show
despite just how bad it might be and look. Noteworthiness- This featured some
people from other reality shows as the main woman on this was from The
Bachelorette and a man on this was from Survivor: Gabon. Description- A twist
on the Bachelorette, this woman wants a man who can give her a baby and the
contestants even compete in some sort of competitions (I think) that relate to
being a dad as well. Notable People- Marcus from Survivor: Gabon was in this.
He isn’t that notable a person and I only bring him up since research into this
made me realize that he was in this. Pros- What’s going on isn’t a secret from
contestants and the woman is willing to do this in a way. Cons- There was
nothing that was good about this at all or worth watching. Note to Parents-
This would mention a lot relating to sex and could give plenty of people or at
least men the wrong idea so don’t let them watch it. Recommendation- Don’t
bother with this at all. My Viewing Habits- I watched the first episode and
that was it. Cancellation reasons- Well, if the premise of this wasn’t bad
enough, the controversy around this meant that it wasn’t going to last at all.
Similar shows- thankfully none matching this exactly, although this is similar
in some ways to The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. DVD suggestion- There won’t
be which is good as there shouldn’t be any. Reception: negative and
controversial. Grade: F.
48 Hours: Suspicion: Why I’ve seen it- I always used to watch a new
CBS show at least once at the time that it started. Noteworthiness- This is a
spin-off of 48 Hours that arguably isn’t even a different show. Description- I
have no idea what makes this different from the rest of the 48 Hours franchise
other than a supposed difference of some sort. Pros- It is exactly what you’d
expect from this type of show. Cons- I don’t tend to like true crime most of
the time, so I don’t like this. Note to Parents- This is not something that
kids should be exposed to. Recommendation- Don’t watch this. Cancellation
reasons- They didn’t really need this so they got rid of it. Similar shows:
Dateline and 20/20. DVD suggestion- I wouldn’t get it, but that’s because I
don’t tend to like true crime shows. Reception: unknown, but probably what I
have for the regular 48 Hours. Grade: D+.
Pandora: Why I’ve seen it- I tend to watch a new CW at least once. Description-
After the destruction of her space colony and loss of her parents, a woman
finds herself enrolled in Earth Academy and with new friends, she has to figure
out some of what has gone on while unraveling new mysteries. Pros- It seemed
pretty good in its first season. Cons- The second season was terrible with many
of the cast gone with little to no explanation as to why. It wasn’t as good that
time around. I don’t think that they resolved everything at the end. Note to
Parents- There were some issues here and there that you can expect from a lot
of shows like it, which is sad. Recommendation- I wish that I could support it
still, but it is just not something that I can get behind anymore. My Viewing
Habits- I watched a lot of it, but didn’t see all of it, I don’t think at
least. Special note- Its delays brought in due to the pandemic probably was one
of the biggest issues it had. The network no longer really cared about the show
and the quality had declined too much between seasons for it to work and last
any longer. I have heard that it is now in production for a third season on
some other network. We’ll see if that happens or not. Similar show: Legends of
Tomorrow. DVD suggestion- Don’t bother with it. Reception: negative. Grade: D.
Ultimate Tag: Why I’ve seen it- I tend to watch a new FOX show at
least once. Description- Different contestants compete is a game of tag that is
very different than what we are used to. Pros- It tries to have a unique take
on a classic game. Cons- It wasn’t that interesting to me and seemed too much
like Million Dollar Mile. It seemed too complicated in some places. Note to
Parents- I don’t think that this was bad in terms of content for kids, but
can’t remember for sure. Recommendation- Don’t bother with it. My Viewing
Habits- I only saw this the one time and that was it. Cancellation reasons-
People didn’t care much about it so it ended as a result. Similar shows- none.
DVD suggestion- There won’t be any nor would it be worth it. Reception: mixed.
Grade: D.
Don’t: Why I’ve seen it- It looked like it could be good and I
wanted to see something at the time. Description- This is a game show where the
contestants get money based on things that they don’t do. Notable People- Adam
Scott, formerly of Parks and Recreation, is the host of the show. Movie star
Ryan Reynolds is the creator, a producer, and narrator. Pros- It is good and
funny. The voice overs add a lot to it. Cons- Some of the games are harder than
others. Note to Parents- This had some issues, but not too much.
Recommendation- This is worth everyone’s time at least once. My Viewing Habits-
I watched what I could of it, but missed a lot. Cancellation reasons- This
seems baffling since they might have been lying about it being the highest
rated show that summer. Maybe they couldn’t film more of it due to the
pandemic. Similar show: Family Game Fight. DVD suggestion- It would be worth it
if there were such a thing like this for game shows. Reception: somewhat good.
Grade: A.
Bulletproof: Why I’ve seen it- I watch a CW show at least once now
when I can. Noteworthiness- This first aired on the Sky Network in England and
is a British show. Description- Two black cops work together to solve crimes.
Pros- This seems like a typical buddy cop format so you’ll know what to expect
from it. Cons- I couldn’t tell if this was strange due to the accents on the
characters or if they sped up the speed of the show so as to not cut out much
from the American airing of it. It didn’t work for me based on other factors
either. Note to Parents- This was a crime drama so there isn’t much else to say
about whether or not this is for kids outside of that. Maybe preteens and older
would work for it. Recommendation- Don’t bother with it. My Viewing Habits- I
watched this once and will not see it again. Cancellation reasons- There were
misconduct allegations against one of the main stars of this show so it was
cancelled as a result. Similar shows- none. DVD suggestion- Don’t get any as it
just literally makes no sense what they even say. Reception: good. Grade: F.
Bless the Harts: Why I’ve seen it- I tend to watch a new show at
least once on FOX nowadays. Description- An animated show, it relates to a
family of some sort. Notable People- It stars Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph
from Saturday Night Live. Pros- It is not entirely the same thing that you’ll
get from other shows like it. Cons- It seemed strange and not in a good way.
Maybe it can seem good, but only in the sense that other shows like it are
good. Note to Parents- This has the usual problems that you’d see in shows like
it. I do not know if they have ever aired this with a content advisory warning
or not. Recommendation- Don’t bother with it. My Viewing Habits- I watched the
first episode and never saw it again. Cancellation reasons- This was lowly
rated so it was cancelled as a result. Similar shows- Family Guy, Bob’s
Burgers, The Great North, and The Simpsons. DVD suggestion- Don’t bother with
it as it just isn’t good. Reception: generally favorable. Grade: F.
NCIS: New Orleans: Why I’ve seen it- I watch the original so I
figured that I should watch this as well. Noteworthiness- It is a spin-off of
NCIS. This show is actually filmed in New Orleans where it is set. Description-
This is a show about an NCIS team set in New Orleans. Pros- There are plenty of
good things about the show. It is as interesting and good as most dramas are.
It keeps the charm of NCIS even with a different cast. The different filming
location probably helped it. Cons- Some people have been annoyed by the fake
accents of the characters. Plus, it may not be as interesting or good as the
original NCIS is. Some of the choices made with the characters are bad decisions
on the writers’ part. Note to Parents- This has the standard amount of stuff
that you would find it shows. There is more violence in it that is negative for
kids than anything else. Recommendation- I think that you should probably watch
it. My Viewing Habits- I have watched it since the first episode, although I
have not seen all of it. Cancellation reasons- It came as a bit of a surprise
but from what I understand about this, the non public syndication numbers
became too low. Similar shows- NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, and NCIS: Hawaii. DVD
suggestion- One should get these. Reception: mostly positive. Grade: A.
Game On!: Why I’ve seen it- It aired on CBS and at the time, I
watched every new show from it at least once. Description- Celebrities compete
in various games. Notable People- This is hosted by Jordon Peele from Key and
Peele who was also on Mad TV and does horror films. Pros- It has somewhat of a
kind of purpose entertainment wise. Cons- I did not see much interesting about
it as the competitions didn’t seem to have much of a point to them. Note to
Parents- This might have had some issues that I can’t remember much about what
they could be now. Recommendation- Don’t bother with it. My Viewing Habits- I
only watched it once. Cancellation reasons- They never brought it back, even
though it might not be an official one. All I know is that it wasn’t liked too
much or else they would have kept it around. Similar shows- none. DVD
suggestion- Don’t bother with it. Reception: good. Grade: F.
Devils: Why I’ve seen it- I tend to watch a new CW show at least
once. Noteworthiness- This is a British show that has aired in the US.
Description- I don’t quite understand the plot of it. It relates in some way to
banks. Notable People- This stars Patrick Dempsey who is a movie star and also
starred in Grey’s Anatomy. Pros- This show is ordinary so one would know what
to expect from it. Cons- I couldn’t make much sense of this and didn’t like it
as a result. Note to Parents- This is probably not good for kids. Recommendation-
Don’t bother with this. Cancellation reasons- I’m unsure if this was cancelled
internationally where it originated, but the CW never brought it back so they
aren’t airing it here. Similar shows- none. DVD suggestion- Don’t get it. Reception:
good. Grade: F.
Hollywood Game Night: Why I’ve seen it- I generally like to watch
game shows and there was nothing else to watch during the summer when this
first started to air on TV. Description- Two regular people compete in a game
show of various competitions. Each has a set of three celebrities (six total)
that help them with the game. Notable People- Jane Lynch, from Glee, is the
host of the show. Sean Hayes from Will and Grace helped create the show and
sometimes appears as one of the players. Many of the guest are obviously famous
(notice how I do not say all because fame is relative) but since they always
change, I would not be able to mention all of them. Pros- It’s fun to watch the
show to see the various antics played out by everyone. As usual, the celebrities
are competing for charity instead of themselves. There are different games each
week to keep things interesting. Cons- Not all of the games seem fair in every
way. A lot of the show is redundant by the same games being used over and over.
Note to Parents- Some of this is questionable, but most is okay.
Recommendation- I’d say that you should probably watch this if you ever have
the time to do so. My Viewing Habits- I don’t always watch, but I like to when
it works out. Cancellation reasons- They no longer cared about it so they got
rid of it. Similar shows- none anymore. DVD suggestion- There aren’t any,
although it might be worth it some to see some of what it is like. Reception:
positive. Grade: A-.
American Housewife: Why I’ve seen it- It aired with a show that I
liked and nothing else that I cared about was on at the time. Description- This
is more or less your average sitcom revolving around a family of people. Notable
People- This show stars Katy Mixon from Mike and Molly. Pros- This is better
than what one might expect. Cons- Some of it is dumb and way to similar to
other shows. Note to Parents- There is enough in here that will be bad for
kids, although a lot of shows are way worse. There are lesbian characters.
Recommendation- Take it or leave it. I like it, but I know that it isn’t for
everyone. My Viewing Habits- I started watching it into its first season, but
never cared that much about whether or not I tuned in a lot. I have missed
parts of it at times due to me choosing other shows at the time. I gave it up
during what wound up being its final season due to the youngest child being
recast for no good reason. Cancellation reasons- There were behind the scenes
issues which is normally a death sentence for a show. Similar shows- Young Sheldon
and The Simpsons. DVD suggestion- I would have supported this at one point, but
not anymore. Reception: mixed. Grade: B-.
Filthy Rich: Why I’ve seen it- It was a FOX show and I currently
see a new one of those at least once when I can. Noteworthiness- This was
delayed in its airing due to the pandemic. Description- A supposedly religious
family who is very rich have to deal with what is believed to be the loss of
the patriarch of the family and his most notable secret: three kids from
affairs. Pros- It has a story that goes places. Cons- This show is awful, even
without the religious overtones. There is not much that is worth watching about
this outside of the obvious plots. Note to Parents- Don’t let your kids watch
this as it just isn’t for them at all. Recommendation- Don’t bother with it. My
Viewing Habits- I watched just the first episode and then never saw it again.
Cancellation reasons- It was never that good a show, never was much of a long
term plan, and never got good ratings. Similar shows- none. DVD suggestion-
Don’t waste your money on it. Reception: mixed. Grade: F.
LA’s Finest: Why I’ve seen it- It aired on FOX and I tend to watch
a new show on that network at least once. Noteworthiness- While originally a
Charter Spectrum original show, it aired some on network TV due to lack of new
programming during the pandemic. It is also a spin-off of the Bad Boys
franchise from what I understand. Description- Two women cops dealing with
solving crimes and other issues with their lives. Notable People- Jessica Alba,
known for movies, is on this show. There are other notable people besides her.
Pros- I like a lot of this show as it has interesting plots and characters. It
isn’t bad. Cons- There are the usual sexual objectification problems that you
might see from time to time. Note to Parents- There are enough issues for
anyone who isn’t a teenager. Recommendation- This is a good show and I think
that one should watch it. My Viewing Habits- I missed some of it, but saw most
of what had aired on FOX. Cancellation reasons- The original network ended it
and FOX never aired the show beyond just the first season. Similar shows- NCIS:
Hawaii, Nancy Drew, and Kung Fu. DVD suggestion- I would get it, possibly.
Reception: mixed to negative. Grade: B.
Cosmos: Possible Worlds: Why I’ve seen it- This was a FOX show so I
checked it out. Noteworthiness- It also aired on National Geographic before it
came to this network, although it was at one point supposed to be on FOX first
or possibly only. Description- A science documentary, we see different aspects
of life from important scientists from the past and the stories of their lives.
Notable People- This is hosted by famous scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson. Pros- It
can be interesting. Cons- Parts of it, I found annoying. For one, Christians
may not like it even though it doesn’t really attack Christianity that much.
(It is more beliefs that don’t align with Christian beliefs that are the
issue.) Also, it seems strange that they are using animation for a lot of this
instead of live action recreations. Note to Parents- I don’t know what to put
here, but do think that there could be some issues, but aren’t much.
Recommendation- I don’t think that this is worth keeping up with. My Viewing
Habits- I saw a few of the earlier episodes, but by then didn’t care too much
about seeing the rest so I didn’t keep up with the end of it. Cancellation
reasons- It was only meant to last a short amount of time. Similar show: Nova.
DVD suggestion- Don’t get it. Reception: excellent. Grade: D+.
Manifest: Why I’ve seen it- It seemed interesting and it might have
factored into the rule that I have where I have to watch a new fall show on NBC
at least once. Description- People on a plane land years after their flight
went missing and they were thought to be dead. Notable People- Dallas Charles,
from Once Upon a Time, is on this show too. Pros- There are a lot of
interesting things in here. Cons- It seems too mysterious in some ways. The
plot can be too complicated at times and have too much going on in it. Note to
Parents- There are a lot of potential issues with this, some relating to sex,
but with there being other crime show issues as well despite this not being a
crime show. Recommendation- It might be good enough in the end. My Viewing
Habits- I’ve missed a lot of it and couldn’t even be into it when it first
started, joining it late. All that I know is that I’m unlikely to see any more
of it. Special note- After it was cancelled by NBC and a few months had passed,
Netflix picked it up for a final season. Similar show: 4400. DVD suggestion- I
have no idea. Reception: mixed. Grade: C.
A Little Late with Lilly Singh: Why I’ve seen it- I was interested
in it and had more time for it when it first aired. Description- Lilly Singh
hosts a shorter late night show. Pros- She seemed good and on point. Cons- The
format was weird and without commercials for too much of it, not leaving people
time for any breaks. Note to Parents- The late timeslot alone is why kids
shouldn’t watch this. Recommendation- I’d say that this might be worth watching
if you are up that late for some reason. My Viewing Habits- I saw very little
of this outside of what worked out due to various reasons since there was often
bad reception for this as in it wouldn’t come in. Cancellation reasons- Lilly
wanted to end it so that’s why it did. They did not replace this show with any
new content after it was in reruns for a while. Similar shows- none. DVD
suggestion- There aren’t any so don’t bother with it. It could be good enough
to own, but is strange enough especially with how different it was between
seasons. It would be better if it were more normal. Reception: largely
favorable. Grade: B.
Primetime: What Would You Do?: Why I’ve seen it- Commercials made
it seem interesting. Cancellation of The Good Guys helped me decide to watch it
since I had the free time for it now. Noteworthiness- It is the first hidden
camera show I’ve seen that wasn’t out to exploit people for laughs. It is
actually very serious. Description- Different situations are set up to see how
people react to them. The point is to get people to react to a situation and
get them to help people out. Very serious situations are acted out using issues
such as coming out, unwanted pregnancy, racial issues, gender issues, and more.
Pros- It shows the good side among people and how they actually help sometimes.
It is very interesting and could make good teaching material. There are
different segments in each episode to keep you interested. It probably is a
more realistic version than any scripted show could come up with. Cons- Some
segments are better than others because some segments are just pointless. A
certain amount of deception is involved with the people. All the shooting
locations tend to be in the same locations. The Would You Fall for That?
segments are pretty dumb. One can question the legalities of this show. It is
often annoying when it pushes something with an agenda of some sort. Note to
Parents- Some segments might be okay for kids and others are not. I’d say that
it depends on your mood to be honest. Recommendation- Everyone should watch
this show. This is my favorite TV show of all time. My viewing habits- I
haven’t always watched this in the past but always watch it now whenever I have
the chance. Cancellation reasons- I’m not sure why it ended, although any
official notice of its cancellation has yet to be made. It is likely that they
weren’t able to film any more of this due to pandemic related filming
restrictions. Whether or not it has the possibility of coming back when it is
more fully resolved is of yet unknown. Similar shows- none. DVD suggestion- I
would get them if you weren’t just better off finding whatever scenarios exist
online on YouTube instead. Reception: positive. Grade: A++.
Next: Why I’ve seen it- Blah blah blah, new FOX show, blah blah
blah. Noteworthiness- This was delayed airing due to the pandemic despite being
done filming and produced before it struck. Description- People worry about the
danger of AI and other issues in the world today. Pros- It seems interesting it
some places. Cons- It is a bit cliché in some places. Parts of it were too
complicated and random. It ended on a cliffhanger. Note to Parents- There were
a lot of issues with it that you’d typically see on a standard drama.
Recommendation- Don’t bother with it. My Viewing Habits- I might have seen
either all or nearly all of it. Cancellation reasons- It wasn’t a long term
plan and the bad ratings that it got sealed its fate as ending. Similar shows-
Legends of Tomorrow and The Flash. DVD suggestion- Don’t get it. Reception:
mixed. Grade: D.
The Masked Dancer: Why I’ve seen it- It was a new FOX show.
Noteworthiness- This is adapted from a segment on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and
now officially part of The Masked Singer franchise, the first to not originate
from an Asian country. Description- Masked celebrities compete against each
other as they seek to avoid being unmasked the longest. Notable People- There
are notable panelists such as Ashley Tisdale from High School Musical and The
Suite Life of Zach and Cody. All of the contestants are notable in some way. Pros-
This was nice to keep up with at times. Cons- It can seem dumb that it has
never once thus far been just the lone dancer by themselves without at least
one other person dancing with them. It doesn’t seem as notable a thing to do as
singing is. It seems like a poor man’s Masked Singer. Note to Parents- I don’t
know what could be considered bad in terms of content with it in the end.
Recommendation- Take it or leave it. My Viewing Habits- I saw a bit of this
starting out, but missed any and all of this that aired after Lent started.
Cancellation reasons- While not officially cancelled, it was not a long term
plan apparently and must have seemed more like a gimmick than anything else.
Similar shows- The Masked Singer and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. DVD suggestion-
There won’t be any so a point of this is moot. Reception: bad. Grade: C.
Trickster: Why I’ve seen it- It was a new CW show so I watched it
as a result. Noteworthiness- This was a Canadian show that aired here. Description-
I have no idea what this is supposed to be about or how the name ties into the
show. Pros- Very little of this was ever made. Cons- I could not make sense of
what this was about and understood very little of it. Plus, drugs seemed to be
a major focus of at least the first episode so it has that against it as well. Note
to Parents- It’s about a drug dealer at one point so no, don’t let your kids or
even teens watch this. Recommendation- This was the worst thing that I saw on the
whole CW network in all of 2021. It was awful so don’t watch it. My Viewing
Habits- I only watched the first episode of this. Cancellation reasons- This is
on here for very strange reasons. It was originally renewed for a second
season, but it was cancelled upon realizing that the showrunner had lied about
her race. Why they couldn’t have just hired a new showrunner is unknown so
maybe more went into this than we know or they simply wanted to end it after
all and needed an excuse. Similar shows- none. DVD suggestion- Don’t. Just don’t.
Reception: good. Grade: F.
Swamp Thing: Why I’ve seen it- The CW aired it so I watched it. Noteworthiness-
This aired on DC Universe before it aired on television. Description- Residents
of a town have to deal with a mystery swamp and a creature of plant based life
that came off from it. Pros- Parts of this seemed good. Cons- It can seem
repetitive in some ways. The plot was often boring and could drag on. It ended
on a cliffhanger. Note to Parents- This has issues and even have a lot of
swearing that was censored in the network TV version. Recommendation- Due to
its cliffhanger, this show is likely dead to me unless this winds up somehow
getting resolved by an Arrowverse show. This means, don’t watch it. My Viewing
Habits- I watched nearly all of it if not all as nothing else was on at the
time at first due to all of the pandemic related scheduling gaps. Cancellation
reasons- It was cancelled early into its run to the point of them not even
making all of what they planned to originally of the season, making me wonder
if this was supposed to be resolved originally. Similar shows- none. DVD
suggestion- Don’t bother with it. Reception: generally favorable. Grade: D.
Clarice: Why I’ve seen it- At the time, I watched every new CBS
show. Noteworthiness- This is inspired by the movie, Silence of the Lambs. Description-
A continuation of Silence of the Lambs, we see more of what Clarice does after
the movie is over and more mysteries need to be solved. Notable People- Kal
Penn from House, How I Met Your Mother, and Designated Survivor, among other
things, was on this show. Pros- It can still be an interesting show without
having seen the movie that inspired this. I like it. Cons- One can be a bit lost
if one has not seen the source material. Note to Parents- There are a lot of
problems with this, typically involving kidnapping, but sometimes involving
other crimes like murder. Recommendation- This is worth keeping up with. My
Viewing Habits- I don’t think that I saw all of this, but I did see a lot of
it. Cancellation reasons- This was going to move to streaming, but this isn’t
what wound up happening for reasons not publically known. The ratings were too
low. Similar shows- NCIS: Hawaii, Batwoman, Nancy Drew, and Kung Fu. DVD
suggestion- This might be worth it as everything was resolved in the end.
Reception: mixed to negative. Grade: A.
One Day at a Time: Why I’ve seen it- I watched all new CBS shows at
the time even though this was not really a CBS show. Noteworthiness- This had
aired on cable before it aired on this network now later. First it started on
Netflix; then it moved to Pop TV. Now it is on CBS. It might also be the first
show that I know of to feature a gender non binary character. It is also a
remake of a show of the same way. Description- We see the adventures of a
family in this sitcom. Pros- It was different in some ways. Cons- I felt that
it was trying too hard in some places and wasn’t worth sticking around because
it wasn’t that funny either. Note to Parents- This has some issues from what I
remember of this. Recommendation- I do not think that this is worth keeping up
with. My Viewing Habits- I only saw two episodes of this that aired on CBS.
Cancellation reasons- No one cared about continuing it so it ended. Similar
shows- none. DVD suggestion- Don’t get it. Reception: critically acclaimed.
Grade: D.
The FBI Declassified: Why I’ve seen it- Blah blah, I used to watch
a new CBS show once, blah blah blah. Description- A true crime show, we see some
of the real life cases that FBI agents have solved. Notable People- This is
narrated by the woman who plays the FBI director on the CBS series FBI right
now whose name is Alana de la Garza. Pros- It shows you some of what has
actually happened. Cons- It can focus too much on murders. Note to Parents- Don’t
ever let your kids watch true crime. There is never really any good lesson to
be learned from them. Recommendation- I have no idea what to say. My Viewing
Habits- I don’t honestly remember. Cancellation reasons- I don’t think that it
was official, although maybe it was, but considering how it filled the early
fall gap as they sought to make episodes finally after the pandemic had started,
then it wasn’t a long term plan. Similar shows: 48 Hours, Dateline, and 20/20.
DVD suggestion- Don’t bother with it. Reception: good. Grade: D.
Cherries Wild: Why I’ve seen it- It was a new FOX show which I
watch at least once now. Description- A game show, people compete with trivia
and then play the slots to win money. They do not play with their own money. Pros-
It was different, maybe? Cons- I didn’t like the show that much as it just
seemed like there wasn’t that much to it. Note to Parents- This might not have
any issues for kids in any way, shape, or form. Recommendation- Don’t bother
with it. My Viewing Habits- I watched this only once. Cancellation reasons-
While it wasn’t official, they didn’t have any long term plans for it. Similar
shows- none. DVD suggestion- Don’t bother with it even if it won’t be out at
all. Reception: bad. Grade: D.
Debris: Why I’ve seen it- I promised that I would watch a new
midseason NBC show plus it did look interesting enough. Description- Mysterious
debris comes from space and causes a lot of unusual things to happen on earth. Pros-
It seems like there is a lot to this and can be good and worth keeping up with.
Cons- The plot seems unoriginal in some places. Not everything was resolved in
the end of the show. Note to Parents- There might have been some issues with
it, but not too much. Recommendation- I do not think that I can recommend it
given its lack of an ending. My Viewing Habits- I saw some of it, but not too
much. Cancellation reasons: Low ratings, as usual, was the problem. Similar
shows- none. DVD suggestion- Don’t bother with it. Reception: generally
favorable. Grade: C-.
Game of Talents: Why I’ve seen it- It was a new FOX show. Description-
A game show, people compete against each other and the game itself to see who
can identity who has what talents based on clues on it. Notable People- This
has Wayne Brady, the multi-talented actor who has also been on Don’t Forget the
Lyrics, Let’s Make a Deal, and Whose Line is it Anyways? Pros- It is different.
Cons- The clues can be too confusing and parts of the game can seem unfair in
some ways. Note to Parents- There could have been some issues, but not too
many. Recommendation- It isn’t too bad, but I don’t think that it is worth
watching. My Viewing Habits- I watched just the pilot. Cancellation reasons-
While it was not officially cancelled, my guess is that they didn’t need shows
like this anymore so they got rid of it as a result. Similar shows- none. DVD
suggestion- Don’t bother with it. Reception: bad. Grade: D.
Let’s Be Real: Why I’ve seen it- It was on and not much else was on
at the time. Noteworthiness- This is adapted from a French show. Description-
Puppets of politicians recreate notable current events that were on. Pros- You
have to admire the short turnaround in production that went on in at least the
first episode. Cons- Not all of this works and is that funny. Note to Parents-
Despite having puppets, this is not really for kids, although it isn’t nearly
too bad. Recommendation- This works well enough so you might as well keep up
with it since it isn’t that much of a commitment. My Viewing Habits- I only saw
the first episode as none of the rest of it fit in my schedule. Cancellation
reasons- While they did not officially cancel it, they didn’t bring this back.
It might have been lack of interest in it. Similar shows- Saturday Night Live
and The Late Show. DVD suggestion- If there are any, it might be worth it, but
only if you remember it. Reception: bad. Grade: C.
Connecting: Why I’ve seen it- I promised to watch a new fall NBC
show and I think that this was my only option. Noteworthiness- This was
something created virtually due to the pandemic. Description- Friends try to
stay connected during the pandemic. Pros- The show worked for the most part. Cons-
While it presented itself as a comedy, it probably would have worked better as
a drama. Note to Parents- I don’t think that there was too much wrong with it. Recommendation-
I’d pass as it wasn’t that good. My Viewing Habits- I only watched the first
episode and that was it. Cancellation reasons- Low ratings brought forth the
end. Similar shows- none. DVD suggestion- Don’t bother with it. Reception:
generally favorable. Grade: C-.
Other cancelled shows
Away: This had Josh Charles from The Good Wife in it. That is my extent
of knowledge about it. Pose: This
was seen as television’s première transgender show and had James Van der Beek
in it at one point in time. It was also about fashion so I could not have cared
less about it. Penny Dreadful: City of
Angels: This had Adam Rodriguez in it. It was seen as too different from
the original so was axed as a result. Castlevania:
I covered this in a different blog of mine. It was actually highly rated on
Rotten Tomatoes despite being adapted from a video game. Panic: This was an Amazon Prime show that I only knew about because
of a different blog of mine. It ended as quickly as it had started.
Judge Judy: This was the première courtroom reality show but the
main judge had to stop doing this in order to do… another judge show basically.
The Moodys: Once a miniseries, it
never had that long term a plan after all and I never bothered with it. Supernatural: Destined to be the
longest running CW show of all time, it lasted even longer due to pandemic
related slowdowns and was even a season longer than the network it spent most
of its life on.
The Lincoln Lawyer: I think that this was cancelled before it had
even aired, but was going to be on network TV which is why I’m including it
here. Lucifer: This was cancelled by
FOX, brought back by Netflix, cancelled and brought back again, and is now over
for good. If you want to know more about it, then check the archive for reviews
of it. Lou Dobbs Tonight: When even
FOX News thinks that you are going too far with election related conspiracy
theories that they axe you, then you fucked up.
United We Fall: This is one of many ABC sitcoms that burned off
during the early summer for no good reason at all. It’s like they want each of
every single one of these shows to fail at some point in time. There’s no other
explanation for why they would keep doing this.
Keeping up with the Kardashians: While I often ignore what was
never on network TV, this was just a notable enough one to be glad is ending
even though these people can’t even fart without the whole world knowing about
Little Big Shots: I have to apologize for this late notice as this
was over in what I’d consider the 2019-2020 season. It was a reality
competition featuring kids that aired on NBC, was hosted by Steve Harvey, and I
think that it was produced by Ellen.
Cannonball: I can’t remember much about this in my research into
what was cancelled so I might as well tell you that it aired on network TV and
I don’t know much about what it was about besides that. It was a reality show
on NBC that you might not have even known existed that was also on the USA
network at some point in time.
The Titan Games: This NBC show was a spin-off of America’s Got
Talent, I think, or possible related instead to America Ninja Warrior. There
isn’t too much else to say about it other than that it was hard to think of
that many reality shows that have spin-offs that last in the end. The Bachelor
franchise is one notable exception to this outside of the two that I have
mentioned here. Speaking of which…
The Bachelor: The Greatest Seasons- Ever!: When the pandemic
cancelled any plans ABC had to do The Bachelorette during the summer, they
decided that it was best just to air seasons of the show all down and condensed
into one single long episode milked for all it was worth with some new content
or at least interviews added to it. When they started filming shows again, this
was axed.
Songland: This was an NBC reality competition show that lasted for
two seasons and was cancelled. I forget if this was an official cancellation or
not. What I do know is that it was something that I was kind of vaguely
interested in, but never saw due to a number of reasons such as not caring
enough about it to see it in the end.
Pooch Perfect: This was on network television, I think, but I don’t
know too much about it in the end so I’m just going to mention that it was on
TV and was cancelled, this time officially. It is hard to remember what all was
on, especially if you never watched it or barely knew it even existed.
The Genetic Detective: I think that this was an NBC show that also
had aired on other networks or at least one. This might have been officially
cancelled, but maybe wasn’t. All I know is that this was a show that aired but
hasn’t been brought back.
World of Dance: This was an NBC reality competition show that was
on for maybe a few seasons, but was not brought back and was cancelled, just
not officially. But sometimes I remember. And so does Pepperidge Farms. That’s why I want
to include them here.
The Last Dance: I think that this was an ABC show or something that
was only meant to last the one season that it did last in the end. I think that
this related to some sort of sports or something like that in the end, but
didn’t care about it enough or knew that it existed.
The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart: I have no idea what
made this a show and what made it any different from other dumb Bachelor related
spin-offs so I’m just going to milk out the usual three lines that I like to
out of each paragraph and then end this sentence here.
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: This was a show on NBC that had a
woman experience some sort of brain trauma, I think, and it seemed like
everyone was singing for some reason. While I do like musicals for some reason,
this wasn’t something that I ever bothered with. It struggled in the ratings
and was then cancelled as a result.
All Access: This was a syndicated show of some sort. There isn’t
too much else I can think of as I didn’t even know that this was on network TV
and only have it since my research proved that it existed and I didn’t want to
exclude it like nearly everything not on network television.
60 Minutes+: A spin-off of 60 Minutes, this aired on Paramount+ for
just one season. There wasn’t much else to say about it as I generally avoid
paid streaming sites, at least for now. This could change more in the future as
it already has for various reasons.
AP Bio: After starting to air on NBC, it moved to Peacock. It was
cancelled later and won’t be back. I have no idea why people liked it,
although, to be fair, I never gave it a chance in the end and never knew if it
really was as bad as it looked or not.
Call Your Mother: This was a sitcom that aired on ABC for one
season. It didn’t look any good so I didn’t bother watching it. And my thoughts
about it might have been shared by others as low ratings are what brought it
down in the end.
Mixed-ish: A prequel to Black-ish, this aired on ABC. I think that
it only lasted for two seasons in the end if it even lasted that long. I have
no idea why it didn’t work. But I don’t care and it could have been good, but
I’ll never know for sure. It might have started too late to last.
Rebel: This was an ABC show that aired as part of TGIT. It had
Katey Segal as the title character. I was never interested in it and never saw
it as a result. Like a lot of TGIT at times, it didn’t last as well as some of
the other shows on it.
Generation Gap: I’m including this here since it was largely
forgotten about. This was to be an ABC show inspired by a bit that Jimmy Kimmel
did on his TV show. But there is no evidence that it was ever made or will be
in the future.
Who Wants to be a Millionaire?: This has seemed to bounce back and
forth between whether or not it was on ABC or syndication. It also had a lot of
different hosts. I have reviewed it before so you’re better off looking at the
archives for a review of it. After airing a primetime version with Jimmy Kimmel
as host and some celebrities as contestants competing for charities for two
seasons, they decided just to get rid of it at some point in time, not needing
it to cover gaps in the schedule anymore.
Mike Tyson: The Knockout: I don’t know much about this other than
that it aired on ABC at one point. I think that this was a documentary of
sorts, but am unsure much else about it besides that. They never had long term
plans for it so they cancelled it as a result.
Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life: After originally airing on
Netflix for a while, this 4 episode special aired the week of Thanksgiving in
2020 on the CW and then ended again as did any apparent hope for more Gilmore
Girls to air in the future.
Holmes Family Effect: This aired very briefly on FOX. I never
watched it for different reasons. It was a reality show or documentary type
one. There wasn’t a long term plan to it so they just aired it and then it is
now over forever.
Ultimate Slip ‘N Slide: This was going to be a summer show on NBC,
but it never aired. It was pretty far along in production, but a bad health
issue affected tons of people in production and they couldn’t make the rest of
the show nor would it make sense to present it as it is. Thus, the show was
cancelled with the only upside that the contestants got to keep whatever money
or prices they won.